3 Ways You Can Up Your Fitness Game With Ballet

3 Ways You Can Up Your Fitness Game With Ballet

Image: Puma Illustrations: Marelize Raubenheimer Ballet isn’t just for the stage. Use these ballerina training tips to move better, avoid injury, plus get fitter and stronger. Ever watched a ballerina in action and thought, how does she move like that? Bet you...
7 Weird Secrets From A Pro Ballerina

7 Weird Secrets From A Pro Ballerina

We went backstage at New York City Ballet and got a glimpse into the life of a professional ballerina. Here are some of the surprising things we discovered. No. 6 was a real shocker!   Last week deputy ed Wanita Nicol was swanning around (see what we did there?) with...

Steal Misty Copeland’s Secret To Success

American ballerina Misty Copeland, famous for challenging ingrained stereotypes of physique and race in Ballet, has been promoted to the highest rank of the American Ballet Theatre, becoming the first African-American female principal dancer in the company’s...

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