by Women's Health | Oct 5, 2016 | Sex & Love
By Evan Scott Schwartz Seriously… he’s asking you nicely. Penises are simple. They’re like fireworks: same basic shape, light the fuse, wait a little bit, big loud ending. Male bodies have but one complicating factor. Well, technically two. And there’s...
by Women's Health | Jun 6, 2016 | Sex & Love
This article was written by Cindy Kuzma and provided by our partners at Men’s Health. There’s a scientific reason for why he loves fondling his junk so much… Think about how most dudes like to relax: they plop on the couch, put on a TV show, kick up...
by Women's Health | May 6, 2016 | Sex & Love
Balls can be tricky to handle, but there are ways to drive him wild beyond the cup-‘n-squeeze. Here, guys share the hottest thing you can do to their balls during sex. Sure, the testicles can be tricky to handle, but there are plenty of creative ways to play...