We’re nearing the end of winter, and if you dipped a bit too much into the hearty stews and warm puddings, you might be sporting a few extra unwanted kilos. Not to worry – this workout, extracted from Tammy Rawstron and Rachel Kolisi’s new e-book, Rise Transformation Guide, is perfect for getting you fit and ready for summer.
The workout is designed to target your arms and tummy – two major sources of insecurity for many women – and give you a cardio spike for added fat burn. Best of all, you can do it at home. All you need it a sturdy chair or bench.
READ MORE: This 6-Move Yoga Sequence Will Seriously Tighten Your Tummy
The low-down on the workout
The workout is divided into three sets of three exercises. Do the exercises in the order shown. Starting with set 1, exercise 1, do the exercise as many times as you can in a minute, then immediately move on to the next exercise. Once you’ve done all three exercises in set 1, you’ve completed one round of set 1. Do two more rounds, then rest for max one minute before moving on to set 2. Repeat the pattern for set 2 and set 3.
Workout set 1
1A / Crab Toe Taps
Sit on the ground, legs bent, hands flat behind you with fingers pointing forwards. Push through your hands and feet to raise your bum off the ground. This is a crab. Bring your right hand to meet your left foot (A). Now bring your left hand to meet your right foot (B). Continue alternating.
1B/ Triceps Lying Down Extension
Lie on your back, knees bent, core braced, a single dumbbell in both hands at arm’s length above you (A). Lower the weight behind your head (B), then bring it back up to start. That’s one rep.
1C/ Hammer curl to military press
Stand tall with core braced, dumbbells at your sides, palms facing your body (A). Keeping your elbows tucked in, curl the weights to shoulder height (B). Push the weights overhead (C), then reverse back to start. That’s one rep.
Workout set 2
2A/ Triceps Overhead Extension
Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart, core braced and holding one heavy dumbbell in both hands behind your head (A). Straighten your arms to raise the dumbbell overhead (B). Lower back to start. That’s one rep.
2B/ Elevated Push-Ups
Lean your hands shoulder-width apart on a sturdy bench or chair. Step your feet back so your body forms a straight line from shoulders to heels (A). Keeping your core tight, lower your chest to the bench (B), then push back to start. That’s one rep.
2C/ Weighted Double Crunches
Grab one dumbbell in both hands and lie on your back, lower back flat against the floor, knees bent. Raise the dumbbell back behind your head (A). In one motion, brace your abs to pull your legs to your chest, simultaneously raising your shoulders off the ground and bringing the dumbbell to meet your legs (B). Reverse back to start.
Workout set 3
3A/ Burpees
Stand with your core braced (A). Squat down to place your hands on the floor in front of you (B). Jump or step your legs back into a push-up position (C), then lower your chest to the floor (D). Push back up, jump or step your legs in towards your hands and jump up, landing back at the start. That’s one rep.
3B/ Plank Shoulder Tap
Get into the top of a push-up position, hands under shoulders, core braced (A). Keeping your hips as still as possible, tap your left shoulder with your right hand (B), then tap your right shoulder with your left hand. Continue alternating.
3C/ Double Crunch
Lie flat on your back, legs together, arms extended behind your head (A). Brace your abs and simultaneously bring your knees to chest and raise your shoulders, bringing your hands to meet your feet (B). Reverse back to start. That’s one rep.