6 Of Our Favourite Workout Classes And Fitness Pros To Follow Online Right Now

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Fitness

Our president, Cyril Ramaphosa, announced on Monday night that we are under a nation-wide lockdown until the 16th April. This lockdown will begin this Thursday at midnight. Although most of SA has been expecting this, it’s still a shock to the system and downright scary. For those of us committed to our fitness for physical as well as mental health, this lockdown is met with mild panic. Inside for 21 days? How will we train? Fear not, I’m in the same boat and I’ve rounded up some home workout options…


If yoga is part of your usual routine, it’s an absolute crisis to lose your practice. Many of the yoga studios in Cape Town, and all around, have realised this. The solution? Online classes. All you need is a mat and to tune in at the right time to join in from the comfort of your own home.

HotPod Yoga

One of my personal faves, HotPod Yoga Cape Town is doing just this. And what’s even cooler about online classes? You don’t need to be Cape Town based to take part. You can actually be anywhere. Set up a yoga date with your bestie, no matter where you both are. A home workout cyber-date.

HotPod Yoga is running these classes on a donation basis so you can join for free or make a small donation to these fantastic humans. To check them out or sign up for a class, click here.


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✨WILD THING ONLINE IS READY✨ First and foremost we need to thank you, wonderful human for your unbelievable support over this radical transition period. Thank you so much for changing and adapting with us. We are so grateful for your ongoing love and support. After a week of exceptionally hard work by an absolute angel of a developer we are ready to take WILD THING from a studio in the clouds into the actual cloud itself (lol we had to we miss you). One of the reasons we wanted to open a studio in the first place, was so that we could share this practice that we love and that has completely transformed our lives with you in an accessible way. In the midst of the uncertainty that the world is living through right now, we feel like this intention has never been more pertinent or important. In moving our studio online (that is a sentence we definitely never ever thought we would be typing) we have tried to keep things as accessible as possible as always. And this is where it gets really good… Because we have not one, not two but THREE different options for you to move with us – wherever you are in the world – so long as there is internet. ??????? #yogaeverydamnday #yogaoffthemat #yoga #meditation #gratitude #health #abundance #wellth #courage #strength #yogateacher #yogastudio #happiness #wildthinghelpedmedoit

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Wild Things Yoga Studio

Wild Thing Yoga Studio has also moved into the online space. This gorgeous Sea Point-based studio is offering three different ways to access their online classes so you really have options (not excuses). You can join the class via Zoom (you probably already use this for remote meetings anyway) — this is a great option if you’re already a member of Wild Thing. If you’re not a member or want to have access to the classes whenever — the pre-recorded classes option is for you. This option will cost you R200/month and will give you access to pre-recorded classes that you can use and reuse whenever. AND there’s still an option three: Instagram live and these classes are free! Tune in and get moving with Wild Thing Moves.

READ MORE: 5 Fitness Apps That Will Help You Get Your Sweat On At Home


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Dear YogaLife Family Our mission is to keep serving you and in order to do so we have come up with an option of online classes so you still have access to your favourite YogaLife instructors. Whilst we are still open we humbly request that you continue to support us and we won’t be putting packages on hold. Your first week online will be free and thereafter you will be asked to make payment as per our regular class rates and packages. This is new to all of us, as we navigate this new way of practicing together give yourself ample time to sign in and set yourself up for success. In preparation for this please follow the below links: 1. Download the Mind Body app 2. Download Zoom The YogaLife doors are still open and while they still are we would like to continue pouring our energy into the space. We are aware that many of you have decided to social distance and we support you in your decision. We will be offering daily online classes ‪starting Friday 20th March at 8am‬, please keep your eye on the schedule and join us on your mat. Join us for live video stream of classes with your favourite yoga teachers from home. Stay Safe, The YogaLife Team #MyYogaLife #HomeAwayFromHome

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YogaLife Studio

YogaLife studio is also committed to keeping their yogi community together. They’re making use of  Zoom as well so definitely make sure you have it either on your phone or laptop. To join classes, simply download the MindBody App on your phone, book a class, log in on Zoom and enjoy. Zen out my friend, we all need it rn.

Home Workouts

If yoga doesn’t quite cut it for you and you need something a little bit more upbeat, there are so many options for online home workouts it was hard to narrow them down. I have been sticking to running and cycling myself (for now), but these are my top choices that I’m definitely going to give a try once lockdown hits.

Bodyweight Workouts

I’ve been following Amy for a while now and she has an amazing collection of bodyweight workouts that you can do anywhere — all you need is… well your body! Burn some calories and some anxiety.

READ MORE: Gyms Are Now Off-Limits Amidst The Novel Coronavirus Pandemic — But You’ve Still Got Options

Strength Workouts

Another one of my fave fitness inspos has got to be Teal. Not only is this girl a flipping good surfer, but she’s also incredibly strong and super creative in her workouts (or drip of the day as she calls them). Be sure to check her out for a serious sweat sesh!


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AT HOME FULL BODY WORKOUT ?? Guysssss I love you !!! So many of you tried my last at home full body and requested another so here you go ! Tag me in your stories so I can share ?☀️ Come train with me @demibagbyfit for more fun workouts! ???⁣ ⁣ Circuit Style! Let’s gooooo !!! ⁣ ⁣ 1️⃣ 30S | Half Burpee to Squat⁣ ⁣ 30S Rest ⁣ ⁣ 2️⃣ 30S | Side Lunge Transfers⁣ ⁣ 30S Rest ⁣ ⁣ 3️⃣ 30S | Extended Arm Plank Jacks⁣ ⁣ 30S Rest ⁣ ⁣ 4️⃣ 30S | Alternating High Knee Pauses ⁣ ⁣ 30S Rest ⁣ ⁣ 5️⃣ 30S | Close Medium Wide Pushups ⁣ ⁣ 30S Rest ⁣ ⁣ 6️⃣ 30S | Flutter Kick Tucks ⁣ ⁣ Rest 30S and Repeat 2-4 times !!! ⁣ ⁣ Quarantine day 10 over here for me… how are YOU?! What do you LIKE most of all this madness going on? What are you most GRATEFUL for ? I’m most grateful for spending more time with my family and playing bored games like we are kids again ! ☀️ If you’re feelin lonely and need someone to chat to feel free to text me +1 (619) 332-1292 !!! Happy Sunday have a blessed day ? ⁣

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HIIT Workouts

And while we’re talking fitness inspos, I kind of have to mention Demi Bagby. I might lowkey be a bit of a fangirl and I mean, have you seen her abs? Her usual workouts are many levels above human but she’s brought them down to our level and made them home-based for lockdown. Give her Insta a squizz for some motivation and workout ideas.

What’s more, we have our very own collection of home-workouts on our very own Women’s Health YouTube Channel. Simply pick a workout that works for you and get sweating. We’ll be sweating right along with you!

If 3-weeks doesn’t sound like a long enough time period to dedicate to your post-rona bod (totally a thing) — then look no further than our very own 12-week home workout programme, along with diet plans. Plus, it’s on a 25% sale RN…

Women's Health 12-Week Fitness And Weight Loss Programme

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