Some of your more urgent sexual health questions answered below.

Some of your more urgent sexual health questions answered below.
Your one-stop shop for your most important sexual health and wellness needs.
How comfortable are you when it comes to revealing information about your sexual health? You’re not alone. Here are a few questions women want answers to.
Don’t automatically raid the medicine cabinet. Try these natural PMS symptom treatments for pain, moodiness and OTT cravings.
We got some obs-gynaes to weigh in on some oh-so-common sexual health confusions.
Here’s what the most common STI symptoms mean – and what you should do about it. Because arming yourself with knowledge can keep you safe.
STDs are a real threat to young women – and they’re on the rise. Let’s break down what’s true and what’s definitely not when it comes to STDs.
What’s the difference between STDs and STIs – and why do many health experts prefer one term over the other?
Kissing can be awkward AF — but, aside from beard burn or the common cold, it’s pretty safe, right? Not exactly (unfortunately)…
If you know you want to have children later in life, but don’t feel you’re quite ready yet – have you considered egg freezing?
Gynaecologists explain everything you need to know about natural lubes. Then we recommend the best ones to try.
Here, the most common sexual health myths you can happily stop believing. We chatted to experts for the low-down – and the truth.
#6 is a game changer.
Bleeding during or after sex, while jarring in the moment, isn’t necessarily a cause for concern, especially if there isn’t a ton of blood.
Your lady parts don’t just stay the same. Here are the six significant ways your vagina changes over the decades from your 20s to your 30s and beyond…
And don’t let anyone (especially if they’re not an expert) tell you otherwise.
Why does your vagina smell and what can you do about it? We got all the intimate details on this common question…
Chances are you’ve experienced a stinging sensation while peeing before and frequent urination. That’s a UTI. So, how long does a UTI last again?
Apparently, the different stages of your cycle can actually have a serious effect on your man’s hormones. Here’s what the science says…