“I Ditched My Junk Food Habit For Good And Lost 46 Kilos”

by | Aug 19, 2015 | Weight Loss

Find out how this woman lost 46kg! Steal her tips and you can too!
Ever seen a picture of yourself and cringed pretty hard? That’s what happened to Brenda Radebe. She’d just had a professional photo shoot done in the hopes of becoming a plus-sized model. “After seeing those pictures, I couldn’t believe how big I was!” Instead of feeling good, her confidence plummeted. It was the reality check she needed. Her new lifestyle results? Definitely more photogenic!
BEFORE: 98kg
AFTER: 52kg
Height: 1.66m
Time taken to lose weight: One year
Secret weapon: Herbex weight-loss programme
Lesson learnt: “You only have one body – make sure it’s your best one.”

The Gain

Growing up, Brenda ate whatever she wanted. But before a big function, she’d turn to crash diets to shimmy into that special dress. “I’d have black coffee and one slice of toast for breakfast, a spoonful of peanut butter for lunch, and chicken and beetroot for supper. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone,” admits Brenda. She’d lose some weight, but gain it all back after the event.

The Change

“It doesn’t matter how stylish you are, when you’re big, nothing looks as good on you,” says the fashion lover. She knew she was overweight, but to prove that she loved her body anyway, Brenda entertained the idea of modelling. “I wanted to turn my weight gain into something positive,” she explains. But when she saw the pictures, reality struck. “I thought to myself, This is not what I want; this is not who I am.”

The Lifestyle

Brenda heard that Herbex was looking for someone to try out their weight-loss programme. She signed up, ditched the junk food and found healthier alternatives with the help of her Herbex dietician. Chicken and squash or sweet potatoes became a firm favourite. She also took up a rigorous workout regimen. “I ran five kays every day and did a Zumba workout afterwards.” It got tough, but, to stay motivated, Brenda pictured herself in something slinky.

The Reward

Within a year, Brenda’s weight had dropped to 52kg. She rewarded herself the way any fashionista would: with a brand new wardrobe! “Now I wear crop tops and minis,” she says. She also can’t stand junk food anymore. “I can’t eat a burger – it’s got too much fat!” she exclaims. There are bigger bonuses for Brenda: her family’s adopted her new lifestyle by eating healthier with her. “I’m more confident now – even my sense of style has changed,” she says. “And I’m so much happier.”

Brenda’s Tips

Be honest. “Recognise that you have a problem and work towards changing that.”
Start small. “Even just walking more every day has huge pay-offs in the long term.”
Get help. “Be sure to ask a doctor before taking any supplements.”
Looking for more real-life weight-loss stories? Check out how Thando went from 105kgs to a Mrs South Africa finalist just by making a few small changes to her lifestyle.

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