This Is The Hands-Down Fave Sex Position For Men In Their 20s And 30s

by | Feb 12, 2016 | Sex & Love

By Korin Miller

And the positions they rate second and third best.

The sex position men in their twenties and thirties say is their favourite — and what women say they actually prefer…

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There are a slew of sex positions to choose from when the mood strikes (the G-Whiz, anyone?). But most of us tend to keep the basics in solid rotation. That’s one of the major findings from a SKYN Condoms Millennial Sex Survey. The survey asked 2 814 women and 2 302 men between the ages of 18 and 34 questions about their sex lives and discovered this age group digs doggy style the most.

Millennial men and women surprisingly voted this down ‘n’ dirty move as their overall favourite over the more traditional-slash-romantic missionary, which came in second. Cowgirl rounded out the top three.

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Not as surprising: Millennial men prefer doggy-style over missionary, while women prefer missionary over doggy-style. But cowgirl was a solid top three finisher: both men and women voted it as their third favourite position.

Clearly there are benefits to all three: Doggy style can be insanely hot when the mood is right (and your clitoris is also getting stimulated — by him, you, or a toy). Missionary has huge romantic potential, and cowgirl offers up plenty of opportunities for clitoral stimulation.

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