“I Decided To Make Over My Life — And The Weight Fell Off”

by | Jan 31, 2017 | Weight Loss

By Zinhlezonke Zikalala

She applied her daily workouts principals to her overall life holistically, she grew physically, mentally and emotionally.  

“I’m realising that I’m stronger than I thought I was and that through dedication, discipline and consistency I can achieve what I set my mind to,” says Busisiwe Macatshwa.

Busisiwe Macatshwa

Occupation: Paramedic
Age: 28
Weight before: 82 Kg
Weight after: 60 Kg
Height: 1.62m
Time required to reach current weight: 1 year 8 months
Secret weapon: Eating clean and training dirty

The Gain

Even though Busisiwe was not slender, she was however very fit, “I used to be in the military and ones fitness had to be on point — I played netball and ran 5 to 10 km marathon’s,” she says. However things changed when she fell pregnant. “After my baby was born I went on a downward spiral and had an unhealthy relationship with food — that’s when I gradually picked up weight,” she says.

READ MORE: 5 Physical Signs Your Eating Habits Need To Change

Being a paramedic meant she worked long hours — so she ate whatever she found at their convenience while on duty. “I wouldn’t go a day without a big packet of Doritos, Sprite and a chocolate bar,” adds Busisiwe. Might I add — at this point she wasn’t exercising at all, “I considered my field of work enough exercise,” she admits.

The Change

It wasn’t until April 2015 when Busisiwe decided enough was enough. She had a choice to make — “I could carry on sulking about being unhealthy and unhappy or I could change my life for the best by improving my health,” she says.

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First thing’s first. “I did research and got weight loss inspirations on social media,” she says. Then the cleaning started, “I got rid of sugar, fast food, other bad carbs, and junk food was also ditched — I started making healthier food choices, practiced portion control, drank a lot of water and of course back to excising.”

The Lifestyle

Things had to change. And they did. “Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal, fruits and milk or a protein shake. Lunch would be steamed or roasted veggies with grilled meat. Supper was similar to lunch, only smaller. And throughout the day I kept hydrated with 2 to 3 litres of water and snacked with nuts and fruits in between the day,” she says.

READ MORE: 5 Food That Will Legitimately Keep You Full For Hours

Through research she also started banting, where she ate foods that are high in good fats, low in carbs and medium protein. “I try to workout 7 days a week, my routine involves cardio, functional and strength training and cardio twice a week,” she says.

The Reward

“I feel healthier, younger and vibrant. My life has made a complete turn around, I’ve dropped a couple of dress sizes from size 44 to 32,” she says.

Busisiwe has also regained her confidence since the weight loss and for the first time ever, she now owns a 2 piece bikini. Slay girl!”I feel like I’m ageing backwards,” she says. That’s a winning feeling.

Busisiwe’s Tips

Feed your focus and starve your distraction. Keep your eyes on the goal.

Positivity is key. Set goals with intentions to reach them always.

Patience is a virtue. Do not compare yourself to anyone. Do you and don’t quit.

Looking for more inspirational weight-loss stories? Check out how Zamazindela lost 23 kilos, and how Belinda transformed her life and became a personal trainer? 

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