7 Cool Online Services That’ll Save You Loads Of Time And Stress

by | Mar 6, 2024 | Life

Trying to do everything and getting nowhere? Yeah – we can relate. Which is why we’ve rounded up the best online services that’ll take the admin out of life, so you get to do more chilling and less stressing…


Feel like you spend all your “down time” cleaning up – but don’t have the budget for a full-time cleaner? What’s cool about SweepSouth is that you decide when you need a helping hand, make an online booking and secure payment – and then (best part!) only pay for the time spent cleaning your home. Almost like an Uber for cleaning, the platform matches Cape Town, Joburg and Pretoria clients with cleaning professionals in minutes. And… if you’re not satisfied, they’ll send out someone else at no extra cost. Check it out at SweepSouth.com.


Ah, Checkers60! Rolled out during the Covid lockdown, this app has quickly become everyone’s go-to app for groceries. With sweet deals, themed shopping lists and on-time delivery, it’s like having your own personal shopper. And hey, need dinner waiting when you get home? Just schedule a delivery while you’re at the office. Easy peasy – download the Checkers60 App now!

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Find yourself wondering how people even find the time to cook anything these days – never mind a healthy meal? They’re probably already using UCOOK. This cool service delivers fresh ingredients directly to your home so you can make delish meals in exactly the right proportions. They deliver all the sustainably sourced ingredients with recipe cards to either your home or office on Monday, so you’re set for the next few nights of dinner prep. Each week there is a new menu and the dishes are divided into three categories: Easy Peasy, Health Nut, Vegetarian (or mix and match). Skip any week’s delivery in advance by simply pausing or cancel at any time. Keen to try it? Visit UCook.co.za.

Pet Heaven

Love your little fuzzball – but don’t love trekking to the vet to cater to said fuzzball’s special diet? Or to get meds to wage war on the latest household worms outbreak? Then Pet Heaven will literally go down singing hymns. An online pet food delivery service – though it stocks so much more than just brand-name nibbles (you’ll need to check it out) – it distributes in and around Joburg, Cape Town and Durbs. Think: The benefits of bulk savings, the convenience of having your package delivered to your door, and never again having to experience that moment of crushing guilt when you realise you’ve run out of Hills so Skippy will be dining on a sandwich tonight… Check it out at PetHeaven.co.za.

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Eye Supply

Contact lenses are great. Having to constantly replace them… not so much. In just a few clicks you can have your regular contact lenses delivered to your door. The automatic reorder system reminds you when you’re running low – you can forget, because this clever system won’t. Eye Supply has a registered optometrist to ensure you’re getting the right prescription, plus all the trusted brands at good prices, so it’s basically like going to the optometrist – just without actually having to go. Also: Free delivery on all orders in SA. Nice. Check out EyeSupply.co.za.

Dis-Chem DeliverD

Whether you’re in urgent need of prescriptions or hunting for the hottest TikTok beauty essentials, this online service is for you! Simply download the app, place your order and your goodies will arrive at your doorstep in just 60 minutes. Plus, every purchase earns you Benefit Points, because who doesn’t love a little extra perk, right? Dis-Chem DeliverD is already in 29 areas across South Africa, with more on the way. Check out DisChem.co.za.

Uber Package

Picture this: you’re a small business needing to ace same-day deliveries or you’ve got a last-minute birthday gift to send across town. With Uber Package, consider it sorted! Say goodbye to the headache of navigating through traffic because they make it easier than ever to get your parcels out. Open up the Uber app, hit Package, link up with your driver, keep tabs on your package in-app and relax until it reaches its destination. Download the Uber app to get on-demand delivery.

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