By Zinhlezonke Zikalala
“Don’t listen to what everyone else has to say — stick to what works for you.”
No one in Pam’s family was overweight. She wasn’t, either. In fact, she was in shape. “I played so many sports at school,” she says. But somehow, life happened and it got to a point where she reached an uncomfortable 90 kilos. Here, Pam reveals how she got rid of it all.
Pam Webb
Age: 34
Occupation: Accountant
Weight Before: 90Kg
Weight After: 59Kg
Height: 1.6m
Time taken to lose weight: 3 Years
Secret weapon: Exercise
The Gain
Ironically, her unhealthy weight gain happened after she made one of the healthiest decisions of her life: to quit smoking. “I didn’t notice how much weight I was gaining until I was at my heaviest and it was only over a few months,” she says. Added to that, she eschewed exercise and piled up the junk food. “I ate everything I laid my eyes on, none of which was healthy — I loved takeaways. Burgers, fries and pizza were in my daily diet,” she adds.
READ MORE: 3 Diets You Should Try If You’re A Total Carb Lover
The Change
In December 2011, Pam went on a trip to the Big Apple. “I couldn’t enjoy it to the fullest because of the pain my weight was causing my feet,” she says. It shook her entire lifestyle. “On my return home, I introduced exercise into my weekly routine and I started eating healthily, so junk food was cut out — completely. No carbs, no more sugar,” she says.
READ MORE: “Sticking By My Weight-Loss Goals Helped Me Lose Over 20 Kilos”
The Lifestyle
“The treadmill and the rowing machine became my friends,” she says. But gym can become a bit boring if you don’t spice it up. Enter Adventure Boot Camp, a fun series of outdoor workouts, which Pam did five times a week. After finding what she liked, she tried CrossFit. “I’m having so much fun,” she says. She’s also all about healthier food. “I eat seven times a day and smaller portions, which include a good fat, carbs and a protein: rye bread, eggs, chicken and broccoli,” she says.
Ready to transform your life too? Sign up to Women’s Health’s expert-approved eating and exercise plan — Lean Body Blitz — and watch the weight disappear.
The Reward
Pam dropped three dress sizes — and that achy feeling in her feet. “I feel so much healthier,” she says. “I no longer hide myself at home — I used to be too embarrassed to face people. Now I feel like I can have fun!”
READ MORE: 5 Basic Rules You Need To Follow To Erase Belly Fat
Pam’s Tips
> Inspire yourself. “The more you lose, the more motivation it gives you.”
> Never give up. “If I can do it, so can you!”
> Go your own way. “Don’t listen to what everyone else has to say — stick to what works for you.”
Looking for more weight-loss advice? Here are five things you should NEVER do when starting a new diet.