by Kelleigh Korevaar | May 11, 2023 | Recipes
There’s no denying that the humble and nutrient-rich egg is a favourite among breakfast lovers everywhere. Fortunately, there are lots of egg-cellent ways to make yours. Whisk into action with everything you need to know about eggs and then try these low-carb...
by Women's Health | Feb 22, 2023 | Weight Loss
The second my never-tried-a-diet-in-his-life friend said he was doing keto (as mine recently did), I knew the eating plan had surpassed trend status. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that, if said not-into-wellness-at-all friend has heard of (and is...
by Women's Health | Jun 20, 2022 | Weight Loss
Ah, the keto diet. On the plus side, it’s helped tons of people lose weight. On the not-so plus side, it comes with a whole slew of pretty gnarly side effects like the keto flu, keto breath, and keto diarrhoea. Now, people are talking about another...
by Women's Health | Jan 10, 2022 | Food & Nutrition
The keto diet has built up a reputation for being able to help with losing weight and keeping it off. But it is also known for how much meat people eat to try to achieve their high-fat, low-carb goal. So is there a vegan keto diet that allows plant-based folks to also...
by Women's Health | Mar 31, 2020 | Weight Loss
People have plenty of complaints about the keto diet, including the fact that it’s super heavy on meats. But there’s a slight variation on keto that’s more friendly to lovers of plant-based foods. It’s called the ketotarian diet, and it’s a plant-based version...