How To Check Your Anus And Vagina To Ensure All’s Well Down There

by | Oct 11, 2018 | Health

Vagina. Anus. Simply hearing the words can summon awkward sniggers and even embarrassment. But what’s really scandalising is how little women actually know about their own anatomy, according to an exclusive study commissioned by Women’s Health.

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To help you understand your nether regions, we created this guide to checking your privates (which, btw, are much more than just your vajayjay) – including signs there’s trouble brewing down below. Ready to get up close and personal with your lady bits?

Squeamish? Get over it. Giving your bits a yearly once-over is the number-one way to stay safe…

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Sit Down

Squatting makes it hard to get a good glimpse. Sit in a chair or on the floor, open your thighs and elevate one leg.

Grab A Mirror

Using a handheld mirror, note the size and colour of your labia and clitoris (this might involve touching), as well as any bumps or rough spots (relax – no one’s skin is perfect down here, either).

READ MORE: 10 Reasons You’ve Got Bumps On Your Vagina

What Do You See?

Train your eyes on your vaginal opening, then on your anus – you shouldn’t see tissue peeking out of either. If you ID any major changes, blisters, open sores or protruding tissue, call your doc. Otherwise, put your big-girl panties back on and pat yourself on the back.

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