5 Things Every Woman Who Takes Vitamins (Or Wants To) Should Know

by | Mar 7, 2019 | Food & Nutrition, Health

Everyone’s on different vitamins these days: ones for energy, ones for hair, skin and nails… but each vitamin has different dosages, with different levels of each, so it’s really hard to know which one is right for you. Added to that, there are a ton of things you probably thought were gospel, but are as mythical as flying pigs. We debunk a few of the biggest misconceptions…

False: Vitamins give you energy

Contrary to popular belief, popping a multivitamin won’t give you the same boost as a cup of coffee. Vitamins aren’t stimulants – but if you have an existing deficiency, you’re likely to feel better after taking a vitamin.

False: Taking vitamin C prevents a cold

According to studies, you’d need a ton of vitamin C to actually ward off a cold – but not having enough in your body could lower your immune system, leading to infection.

False: You can’t overdose on them

In most cases, you’re told the recommended daily dosage of a vitamin – but what you’re not told is how much is too much. There are a few vitamins you can take too much of: vitamin A (this could cause dizziness, nausea and liver damage), vitamin C (you could end up with nausea and abdominal pain), vitamin D (this could raise your levels of calcium, leading to kidney issues – but it’s not easy to overdose on, since most of us don’t get enough) and vitamin E (too much increases your risk of bleeding).

False: You have to take them with food

Some vitamins do need to be taken with food since they require it for absorption. But others, like water-soluble vitamins B and C, can be taken on an empty stomach. When taking a multivitamin, it’s best to take it with food to reduce gastric side effects, like nausea.

True… and false: You can get all your vitamins from diet alone

While technically you should be able to do this, in today’s fast-paced world with all the stress that comes with it, we sometimes fall short. Because who has the time to focus on eating all the nutrient-dense, vitamin-rich foods in precisely the correct amounts, right? We can also lose some of the vitamin value in our food through freezing (fresher is always better!) and cooking: when boiling food, the water-soluble vitamins leach out into the water; when frying, the fat-soluble vitamins leach out. In fact (gasp!) vitamin C is particularly vulnerable to cooking.

So if you’re an active woman who not only wants to function at your best but also feel great, it’s worth considering a multivitamin to top you up with any of the vitamins you may be missing.

4 Times You're Totally Wrong About How Vitamins Work

MaxiVit 25 is an all-in-one gelatine-free veg capsule. Bonus: It’s suitable for vegans. But the true beauty of this supplement lies in the fact that it’s designed to only give you what you need, so nothing goes to waste. It contains a unique formula of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and folic acid to aid in the prevention of heart disease, and improve memory and alertness, in the right combinations for optimal absorption.

And the ingredients low-down? It contains pretty much everything you need: biotin, calcium, choline, copper, folic acid, inositol, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and zinc.


But wait, there’s more… MaxiVit Plus is a daily three-pack sachet that contains the MaxiVit 25 multivitamin, omegas and lecithin. The omega is a marine fish oil capsule (protects against heart disease, blood clots, high blood fat levels, arthritis and poor mental capacity). The lecithin capsule supplement is a fat emulsifier (protects against the damaging effects of cholesterol). So basically everything is covered: body, brain and heart.

Both MaxiVit 25 and MaxiVit Plus are great supplements for active peeps: sports people, business high-flyers and those in stressful jobs, or the older generation looking to stay healthy. They can be taken by children as young as 13 and are suitable for moms during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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