Building strength and better physical fitness is about a whole lot more than just logging time in the gym. A major part of how your body performs has to do with what you eat. So what does Iceland native Katrin Davidsdottir, the winner of the 2015 CrossFit Games, fuel her body with? She spoke to Rodale Wellness about her diet…
While you may think that a woman who squats over 115kgs simply slams protein shakes all day, you’re severely mistaken. Instead? Eggs, avocado and salmon (and lots of it).
For breakfast, Davidsdottir starts with three eggs, fried on both sides, half an avocado, fruit, and coffee with cream.
I’ve got to have my eggs; otherwise, my day starts off wrong,” she says. “In an effort to get more fat in my diet for fuel, I eat half of an avocado and add cream to my coffee.
On a good day, when she gets to eat lunch, it’ll be chicken salad and the other half of the avocado. On the days she doesn’t? “I’ll eat as soon as I finish training, and leave practice drinking coconut water with a scoop of chocolate protein powder and a serving of fruit.”
“For dinner, I try to eat lots of dark green stuff: spinach, kale and broccoli. For protein I’ll have chicken. For dinner, which would come soon after that late lunch, I try to eat a portion of salmon for its healthy fats and vitamin D.”
So how does the Fittest Woman on Earth rank up with her diet according to Brigitte Zeitlin, a dietitian at B Nutritious?
“For anyone upping their training frequency, they need to make sure they are increasing their protein intake – goal 25 to 30% calories from protein a day – and carbohydrate intake – goal 30 to 35% calories from carbohydrates a day,” she says. “The carbs will give your body fuel, and the protein will help build and repair muscle tissue.”
“I like that Katrin is eating high-quality proteins at each meal, definitely a must for someone with her training schedule,” says Zeitlin. “(Veggies at dinner are critical) because they are a great source of fibre and fuel. I tell my clients to aim for 2 to 3 cups.”
A good balance of protein and carbs, as well as an influx of vegetables – got it! And for those of you who wonder when the CrossFit champ gives herself a break? Don’t worry. Davidsdottir admits that she’s not always super strict with her diet.
“If I’m craving something, it’ll be something sweet,” she says. “My food is pretty clean because that’s how I want to eat. I do like my chocolate and cake every now and again. I definitely have my sweet tooth.”