3 Power Core Combos You Need To Try Now

by | Jul 27, 2016 | Workouts

So, you’ve finally nailed that really tough core move… the stability-ball pike. Give yourself a high-five! But it’s time to up the ante with core combos if you want to see those abs…
When people think ‘abs’ they think of endless sit-ups and trying to hold that plank for longer than a few seconds. Phew! But there’s so much more to a killer core than crunches.

Here are three power core combos that’ll take your workout to the next level

1 To feel the burn
Pike + Burpees. Do as many pikes as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10, then do 20 seconds of burpees. Rest 30, then start the planks again. Do three rounds.
2. For better balance
Pike + Plank. Pike for 20 seconds; rest for 10; plank for 20 seconds (using the ball). Repeat twice more.
3. For full-body toning
Pike + Lunges. Do 10 pikes, followed by 1o lunges, resting your back leg on the stability ball. Do three sets.
Not going to make it to the gym today? Don’t worry, you don’t have to skip your ab workout. You can try the 3-minute ab workout Kayla Itsines swears by (‘gramable abs, here you come).

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