6 Things That’ll Happen To Your Skin If You Don’t Moisturise

by | Aug 22, 2016 | Skincare

By Kayleigh Donahue Hodes

The easiest route to a radiant complexion is smack-dab in front of your face. Round of applause if you moisturise… because it’ll help you fight those flakes in a flash!

“Think of your skin as a sponge – when soaked with hydration, it temporarily plumps and expands,” says dermatologist Dr Jeannette Graf. But dehydration can work just as fast. Skip your cream or forget to moisturise and this is what can happen in as little as 24 hours:

1 Skin that’s already prone to dryness will get sandpapery – especially where dead skin cells cluster, like around the nose.

2 Days later, flaking and lines may pop up around your eyes, where skin is thinnest.

3 Lips can begin to chap like it’s the middle of winter – even if its 27°C out. “Most of us breathe through our mouths while we sleep, so skipping a moisturiser before bed can cause dry lips year-round,” says dermatologist Dr Jill Waibel.

4 If your skin is sensitive, cheeks may take on a perma-flush. “Dehydration leads to inflammation and redness,” says Waibel.

5 Fast-forward a few weeks and suddenly pores can turn into potholes. “When you slow the production of elastin and collagen, pores loosen and can appear enlarged,” says Graf.

6 You may now have a “compromised barrier” – when skin’s protective layer can’t replace lost moisture.

So, has winter left your skin feeling like a desert? Here’s an easy DIY home remedy that’ll revitalise dehydrated skin or try a moisturising face oil instead.

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