This Is Exactly How To Make Almond Milk, A Great Alternative To Dairy

by | Mar 18, 2014 | Recipes

Lactose intolerant, Paleo queen or just keen to go natural?

How about using almond milk instead of normal milk or soya? It can be super expensive to buy so here’s how to make your own…

This nutty milk has: calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, and the antioxidant vitamin E! Sweet! Making your own almond milk is surprisingly simple. The process requires a little prep (overnight soaking of the almonds) and cheesecloth, but is otherwise an easy way to create a preservative-free almond milk right at home. This unsweetened almond milk makes 8 servings.

What You Need

1 cup raw almonds
4 cups filtered water
Pinch of sea salt

READ MORE: What Happens To Your Body When You Give Up Dairy


Place the almonds in a large bowl. Cover with water, and soak them overnight. (Tip: Need almond milk in a pinch? Soak the almonds in hot water for 1–2 hours to speed up the process.) Rinse and drain the soaked almonds, and place them in a high-speed blender or food processor along with the filtered water and salt. Blend on high for 60 seconds, then place a piece of cheesecloth* in a strainer over a large bowl. (Cut the cheesecloth large enough to rest in the bowl with several inches left hanging over the edges of the bowl.) Pour the contents of the blender into the cheesecloth. Fold up the edges of the cheesecloth, and gently squeeze the cheesecloth to release the milk. Pour into a large jar or pitcher with an airtight seal. Store in the refrigerator for three to five days. Shake the jar before serving.

Per serving (½ cup): 432 kilojoules; 9g fat (1 g saturated); 4g carbs; 1g sugar; 242mg sodium; 2g fibre; 4g protein.

This recipe is from Brooke McLay, author of Almonds Every Which Way: More Than 150 Healthy & Delicious Almond Milk, Almond Flour, and Almond Butter Recipes.

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