6 Major Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Almonds Every Day

by | Nov 28, 2016 | Health

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They’re oh-so tasty, but that’s not the only reason you should sprinkle these nuts on your oats in the morning.

In a recent study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that eating more almonds resulted in the loss of more belly fat. Almonds for the win, again! In a 12-week randomised study with 68 overweight participants placed on a kilojoule-restricted diet. Participants who ate 35 g of the nuts per day lost more total fat and more belly fat (that visceral tissue that just does not want to go away) than those on a diet with the same number of kilojoules that did not include almonds.

Participants that ate the dry-roasted and lightly salted nuts daily also had a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure, whilst the DBP of those who didn’t consume almonds remained the same. It’s also been proven that consuming a higher proportion of protein and monounsaturated fat, both of which are present in these nuts, helps weight loss.

Belly fat does more than look bad, as it hands around your organs and ups your risk of chronic disease and what’s easier than eating nuts to help reduce that stubborn belly fat and waist circumference.

Read More: Healthy Dinner: Trout With Almonds

Go Nuts!

Almonds could be classified as a super food-not only does it help reduce belly fat but it also helps to lower bad cholesterol. Looking for something to suppress those cravings? Snack on these nuts, eating 43 grams of dry-roasted, lightly salted almonds daily helped curb participants appetites and regulate their blood sugar, per a new Purdue University study of 137 adults.

Healthier Baby Bumps

Yes, these nuts can help your baby bump too. A new study of overweight and obese women by California researchers shows that eating about 60 grams of almonds improves satiety, reduces appetite, and may promote healthy weight gain during pregnancy.

Not sure whether the kilojoule count for nuts is correct? Don’t worry, we’re got the low down on these “fatty little morsels”, so bring on the Waldorf salad.

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