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A guide you might want to subtly leave on his bedside table. Here’s a better oral sex guide for him to use on you…
Writer Josh Burt has seen a few vaginas in his time, but he admits — on behalf of most men — to still being a bit baffled when it comes to oral sex. “There’s too much to figure out,” he says. “What you want rubbed, licked, flicked, kneaded, squeezed, spoken to, adored…”
He continues: “The inner workings of a guy’s mind during sex is like the bridge of Star Trek clanging ‘red alert’, filled with people running around, blindly pressing buttons until they finally hear an ecstatic groan. Once it’s there, a weight lifts, like we’ve just remembered a forgotten pin number.”
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So, for Josh and all the men out there, here’s a no-fail oral sex how-to… to use on you (wink):
1. Grind Baby Grind!
“While you’re kissing, press a thigh between her legs,” says sex expert Midori, author of Wild Side Sex: The Book of Kink (like Madonna, she only needs one name). “Now, grind in, moving up and down. It’s the washing machine-on-spin-cycle principle — the overall vibration has a greater effect than just using a finger or two.”
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2. Play Hide And Seek
“Next, start to nibble through her skirt as a teasing prelude — she should soon start grinding on your face. But before her panties come off completely, try breathing and licking her through them. It’ll make for a truly explosive touchdown when your tongue finally makes direct contact with her clitoris.”
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3. Tease Me The Right Way
Now to master your technique. “If you want to practise clitoral stimulation, place a mint in a sandwich bag. Learn to suck the mint between your lips without using your teeth, then keep it there, while using your tongue to tease it.”
Here are 6 oral sex tips to blow his – and your – mind! Plus: The most popular sex position among both men and women…