The Illness You’re Most Likely To Get, According To Your Blood Type

by | Oct 4, 2018 | Health

A, B, AB or O – it’s time to learn (your doc or parents should have the info handy). Recent studies show certain blood types may be linked to illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. Scientists are still unravelling exactly why, but in the meantime, here’s what you should know…

Blood Type A

Stomach cancer. Type As have a 20 percent higher risk for the disease than type Os, possibly because their immune systems may be more sensitive to H. pylori, a common gut bacteria that can cause GI damage.

Cut out or limit your intake of cured meats, like bacon and hot dogs; they contain nitrates that H. pylori can convert into cancer-promoting compounds.

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Blood Type B

Type-2 diabetes. For unknown reasons, those of us with B blood are 21 percent more likely than type Os to get the condition.

Being overweight is the leading cause of T2D; experts say dropping just five to seven percent of your body mass can help delay or ward off the ailment.

Invest in a skipping rope – skipping is an ace form of cardio, and you can do it in the comfort of your own lounge. Try this Sportmate Jump Rope With Pedometer, available at Dis-Chem.
The Illness You’re Most Likely To Get, According To Your Blood Type
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Blood Type AB

Heart disease. ABs have a 23 percent higher chance than Os – potentially because they’re also more prone to ticker-hurting inflammation.

Log at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise (biking, jogging) five times a week; sweat sessions can help limit the blood-flow-clogging effects of inflammation.

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Blood Type O

Infertility. One study of infertile women found Os had higher levels of a hormone linked to “reduced ovarian reserve” (i.e. egg quantity) compared with As or ABs.

First, don’t fret: Type O is the most common type and there’s been no mass baby shortage so far. Instead, focus on proven fertility boosters, like healthy eating and not smoking.

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