How To Apply Make-Up If You’ve Got A Skin Condition Like Acne

by | Oct 27, 2017 | Make-up

By Zinhlezonke Zikalala; Photographs by Freepik

Because your makeup doesn’t have to make your skin condition worse.

We spoke to Dr. Nomphelo Gantsho, a Dermatologist and she told us that with the right makeup formulas and technique, concealing the visible symptoms of acne and hyperpigmentation can be done. From her expertise, we have derived tips on how to be smart about it.

If you have acne, hyperpigmentation or dark marks you can absolutely use makeup to both conceal and treat the issue. However if you have open sores, blisters or excessively scaly or dry skin, makeup can exacerbate the problem, cause infections and make the condition look worse.

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Tip 1

It’s essential to treat the skin before reaching into your makeup kit so that you have a hydrated, smooth canvas to apply make-up on.

Tip 2

Apply a primer to create a barrier between the skin and makeup to help resurface the skin. Also, avoid using a green tinted primer because they can cause an allergic reaction to people who  have a sensitive skin. If you have excessively oily skin, try using an oil absorbing primer to eliminate the need for setting powder after foundation.

READ MORE: FYI —These Make-Up Mistakes Could Be Making Your Acne Worse

Tip 3

When the skin is ready for foundation, applying it using your hands may be the best option because sponges and brushes can be a breeding place for bacterias if they aren’t cleaned properly. Try using water based foundations as they are the better than oil based foundations, especially for people with oily skin as their skin is prone to acne. Always buy non-comedogenic make up as these don’t clog the doors and lead to acne break outs.

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Once your foundation is applied, try foregoing powder, if possible. Skip powder if you can since it can settle into flakes, but if you must use it choose a sheer translucent powder and press in a sheer layer using a powder puff only where needed.

Done and done.

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