The Real Reason Why You Should Never Ditch Sunscreen

by | Nov 16, 2017 | Skincare

This post is sponsored by Environ

We all love the idea of ‘sun-kissed’ skin…

We think that it equates to a ‘healthy tan’. The sad news for all of us however is that there is really no such thing as a healthy tan. In fact, a tan is actually your skins way of showing you that it has been damaged by the sun’s harmful UV rays. Major bummer.

The sun produces three kinds of rays: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C.

So, what’s the real difference between the three? UV-A rays are constant 365-days as year and stimulate the release of free radicals which cause skin damage and ageing, while the chances of you soaking up UV-B rays (these cause surface tanning and burning) are higher during summer. They also deplete the vitamin A found naturally in your skin, which is responsible for its overall health and wellbeing. In a nutshell, these rays are incredibly harmful to the skin!

UV-C rays are the least harmful as they don’t penetrate the ozone layer.

So, now that you know the facts, what can you do about it?

No Need To Hide From The Sun

While a sun burn fades, sun damage lasts.

That’s why protecting your skin should involve the combination of blocking out the damaging sunrays and the replacement of skin essential nutrients, like vitamins and antioxidants, that are damaged by sunlight.

By covering up exposed skin, especially between 10am and 4pm when the sun’s rays are strongest, and applying a sunscreen like RAD every 1.5-2 hours daily, will help to block and deflect those damaging sunrays, giving your skin the best chance at protecting itself. To replace the essential skin nutrients lost, use a vitamin A rich product that you can find in the Environ Essential range (Ionzyme® or Original) and Antioxidant gel from the Environ Intensive Range.

Daily use of these products as part of a holistic skin care routine will help you to look after your skin and give it the best defence against environmental damage.

Remember, you can’t hide from the sun but you can reduce its harmful effects with sunscreen.

Another reason your sunscreen game should be on point this summer: there’s an SPF for every sun situation and skin type. No excuses! 

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