Here’s The Exact Workout Pro Surfers Use To Stay In Shape

by | Sep 17, 2018 | Workouts

If you’ve ever seen pro surfers, you’ll know that their bodies are amazing: both their arms and legs are sculpted to perfection. That’s because they have to be fit and strong enough to navigate unpredictable water, then stand up and snap, turn and glide on waves.

We spoke to two of SA’s pro surfers, Tanika Hoffman and Teal Hogg, about their workouts. “Being a surfer, it is required for me to use my entire body, from my head/neck to my little toe muscles,” says Teal. “While competing you are judged on three critical areas of movement: speed, power and flow. I use this as my base for all my workouts.” Tanika’s workouts are very similar, focusing on flexibility and mobility. “I also always try to incorporate a bit of rotation in my workouts, as improving your range of motion and flexibility is important for surfers,” she says.

READ MORE: Here’s How Pro Surfer Bianca Buitendag Stays in Shape

Below, two workouts that focus on surfing fitness – but also give you that all-over body burn, so your new itsy bikini is properly filled out.

Tanika’s Full-Body Sweat

“Surfing is a sport which requires your body’s full attention,” says Tanika. “So I train my upper body (triceps, lats and chest) for paddling and explosive jump ups, obliques and abs for balance and rotation, and my lower body for mobility and explosive power.”  This workout focuses on those muscle groups. Do 30 to 40 reps of each move, repeating the circuit four to five times.

READ MOREHere’s The Secret To Pro Surfer Tanika Hoffman’s Incredible Success

Teal’s Surfer Shred

In this workout, each move targets your full body, focusing on flexibility, coordination and explosivity. Do three to five rounds of this workout, aiming to get in as many reps in as you can in one minute for each move. “My theory is that this type of training allows you to constantly set goals for yourself and without realizing you are bettering yourself every minute – exercising your mind as well as your body,” says Teal.

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