Here’s How To Box Your Way To Fitness In 4 Fun Moves

by | Jun 30, 2017 | Workouts

No need for a punching bag or a sparring partner for this boxing-inspired workout! You can totally do these moves at home and box your way to hotness. 

There’s no doubt that boxers have seriously hot bodies. They’re also strong, agile, explosive and crazy fit. That’s the whole package right there. Want in on that action? Of course you do! And the good news is that you don’t ever need to set foot in the ring to get them.

Next Fitness Star finalist Yolanda Sokhela is a big fan of boxing because it’s a functional style of training that incorporates a combination of cardio and strength training.  “Cardio will help you in terms of your heart rate, your stability and your stamina,” says Yolanda. “At the same time, your body will be toned and I’m sure you want to be toned!”

READ MORE: Get Energised With This Killer Total-Body Workout

Box Clever

This workout, by Yolanda combines the principles of boxing into a fun, functional workout that you can do at home with zero equipment. The boxing movements tone your upper body, while the footwork works your lower half. All those twisting movements do wonders for your core. And the jumps? They’ll get heart rate up for burst of explosive cardio.

How It Works

Do eight reps of each exercise in Combo 1. Then do four reps of Combo 2. That’s one round. Once you’ve finished all reps of both combos, that’s one round. Rest just long enough to catch your breath, then start at the beginning again. Do eight rounds in total. Ding-ding!

Watch Yolanda perform the moves: 

Your Moves

Combo 1: Jab + Uppercut

Combo 2: Lateral Shuffle + Jumping Jacks

One rep consists of 3 shuffles + 4 jumping jacks

Women’s Health Next Fitness Star is powered by adidas with Supashape

Looking for more total body workouts? Try this toning moves from Kayla Itsines

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