7 Products You Actually Need To Stay Germ-Free In The Gym

by | Aug 15, 2019 | Fitness

Th gym is where you build the healthiest version of you, but (gasp) it’s also one of the places that carries the most germs.

Yup. Did you know that free weights have 362 times more bacteria than a toilet seat? And more than 70% of those bugs are potentially dangerous to humans. Yeah, that’s pretty gross.

We’re not saying ditch the gym, but be mindful of the fact that the equipment – weights, barbells, mats, machines  –may need a good wipe down before you start using them. These seven products will help you combat germs at the gym:

1/ Better Air

There’s nothing as uncomfortable as someone coughing or sneezing around you, especially if that cough is an intimate experience with your face. You think holding your breath for a few minutes to avoid inhaling the germs will protect you from catching them? Wrong! The particles remain in the air.

Solution: Better Air is a natural solution that diffuses germs. This air and surface purifier helps to reduce bad bacteria. You can use this spray at the gym, as you move between the different workout stations.

2/ Flip flops

Investing in a pair of flip flops, thongs, slip slops, sandals will do wonders for your feet. Bacteria loves wet and moist surfaces. Fungi, viruses and warts are common at the gym. People spit down the drain and pee in public showers.

Solution: Wearing flops will protect your feet from Athlete’s foot and warts, that is caused by standing barefoot in a shower.

Roxy's Tahit V1 Slops (On sale, you save 40%)

READ MORE4 Pretty Gross Skin Problems You Can Pick Up At The Gym

3/ Reusable water bottles

The plastic-free movement is on everyone’s lips. It should be on yours too. Plastic bottles play host to different toxins and bacteria. Plastic bottles contain hazardous chemicals that have proven to cause cancer.

Solution: Purchasing a reusable water bottle will save you a couple of rands, and you’ll contribute to saving the environment. Stainless steel, copper and glass bottles keep your water ice-cold.

Steely Insulated Water Bottle - Jade Green

4/ Ziplock bags

Sadly, our favourite pair of leggings have an expiration date and when worn more than once can result in a pile-up of sweat, that will attract bacteria. Ziplock bags fit nice and snug in a gym bag. The inner mesh seals in the odour as well, so your clean clothes in the gym bag won’t be affected.

Solution: Separate your sweaty and smelly gym clothes from your clean ones. You can do this by placing the dirty clothes in a ziplock bag to avoid the spread of germs.

Biodegradable Compostable Film Bags

READ MORE5 Things We ALL Do To Avoid Germs, That Are Actually Useless AF

5/ Wet wipes

There’s nothing wrong with making sure every piece of equipment is clean before you use it. It’s also proper gym etiquette to give the equipment a wipe after you use it.

 Solution: There’s no harm in wiping the equipment at the gym before you use it. So what if people think you’re OCD? You’re not there for them anyway.

Wipes with Organic Aloe

6/ Disinfectant spray

Sweaty clothes in a gym bag can cause a very bad odour. The gym bag itself needs a good clean from the accumulated germs. The disinfectant spray will leave your gear, bag, weights, workout gloves, and skin feeling fresh and clean.

Solution: The combination of sweaty clothes and gym shoes tossed in one place causes germs. Empty your bag and spray it with disinfectant spray to reduce the odour.

Surface Disinfectant Spray

7/ Hand Sanitiser

Our hands play a more important role than we give them credit. At the gym, we’re constantly sharing equipment, paired with sweat and sometimes a few coughs or sneezes. Gel hand sanitiser are increasingly popular, especially with everyone being water conscious. Alcohol-based sanitisers stops the spread of ill-causing bacteria.

Solution: Hand sanitisers are great for keeping the hands clean before and after using gym equipment.

Waterless Hand Cleanser

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