How To Get A Gorgeous Glow

by | Jan 29, 2016 | Fitness

Looking to get gorgeous radiant skin without too much hard work? Here’s how to get your glow on.

Heard the skincare pros talking about “dewy skin”? When the experts wax lyrical about your complexion looking all fresh and dewy, it’s got nothing to do with oiliness or shine – especially the shine you get while working out. Dewy skin means a healthy looking glow, one that screams, “I’ve just been on holiday – and it was really good!” And the secret to achieving this illusive radiance is actual pretty simple. Forget veggie juicing or daily hot yoga practice; just add two skincare products into your routine to help you glow forth.

READ MORE: 5 Shimmers We Rate 10/10 For A Natural Summer Party Glow


First up: exfoliator. This treatment product is a glow necessity, but you don’t need to use it daily to see great results. The trick to effective exfoliation – and your ultimate goal of gorgeous glow – is to remember to do it, but don’t do it too much. Bi-weekly exfoliation is actually all your skin needs. And if it can be combined with masking – another essential step to a healthy-looking skin – all the easier. Enter Solal’s Exfomask (R189), a mask and exfoliant in one that sloughs away those dead skin cells responsible for stealing your skin’s luminosity. It also hydrates skin, helping to soothe, nourish and moisturise.

Drink Up

Next, grab a night serum that’s able to deeply hydrate skin for a smoother, more even-toned complexion – and bonus – one that looks younger too. Solal C-Serum (R359) fits the bill as it’s laced with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (it’s super-moisturing) that’s able to sink deep into skin. Added to that is a hyaluronate crosspolymer, and thanks to its high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, it boosts hydration at the skin’s surface. The result? Parched skin is flooded with moisture essential for that enviable glow. Use this serum every night after cleansing (and on the nights you’re exfoliating too) before you sweep on your moisturiser.

And that’s it! Easy, right?

Looking for more inspiration? Here’s 8 ways grapefruit can make your skin seriously glow, plus here’s how to get that workout glow with Make-up.

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