“I Made Tiny Food Choices – And Dropped 20 Kilos As A Result”

by | Dec 13, 2016 | Weight Loss

Weight loss means different things to different people. To Laetitia, it was as simple as making tiny food choices at every meal. 

“It’s not about losing weight but being healthy and making healthier food choices – then you will lose the weight automatically without hassle,” says Laetitia, who lost 20 kilos. Here, she tells us more about those choices.

Laetitia Smit

Occupation: Self-employed
Age: 29
Weight before: 83 Kg
Weight after: 62 Kg
Height: 1.67m
Time required to reach current weight: 9 months
Secret weapon: Limit Carbs

The Gain

“I’ve always struggled with my weight,” says Laetitia. “I would manage to lose some only to gain all of it again – I was even called Kentucky Rounder in school – and it wasn’t for nothing. I used to eat KFC every single day,” she confesses. She rounded out the fried chicken with other high-carb food like pasta and bread. When she became pregnant for the third time, she gained 20 kilos. And exercise? She just didn’t have the energy.

Read More: Yes, You Can Have Guilt Free Fried Chicken

The Change

“I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and after the initial I realised that this was body telling me that enough is enough – I had to make the change,” says Laetitia. When the body speaks, one has to listen and abide. Food was first on the list. “I started watching what I ate, made healthier, tiny food choices. Next, Laetitia started exercising. “I incorporated some workouts into my daily to-do list,” she says. Laetitia says sometimes you’ll fall off the wagon, its human – but the most important part is that you get back up again and not give up.

The Lifestyle

“I limited my carb intake and cut sugar out of my diet completely, along with bread, pasta and fast foods. I replaced that with three meals a day and a lot of veggies and the occasional fruit,  with snacks in between them; this also helped me keep my diabetes in check,” she says. Because Laetitia’s a busy mom, she decided to do use her kids as fuel for her workouts. “We do everything together,” she says. “Sit ups, push ups, squats and running up and down while playing catch – they love it and it keeps me motivated too!”

Read More: What exactly is…Diabetes?

The Reward

For Laetitia, losing weight was really about the tiny rewards. “One of my eldest son’s friend told him that he had a pretty mother and he was so chuffed. It filled my heart with so much joy because I want my children and husband to be proud of me – and I know they are now,” says Laetitia. It’s boosted her confidence, too. “I feel really awesome about myself – and it’s only right I took myself on a shopping spree for high-waist jeans which I’ve always wanted to have,” she says.

Laetitia’s Tips

It’s not about weight, it’s about health.
Don’t feed you body, fuel it.

Believe that you can.
You can do this – but it won’t happen overnight.

Imagine – the mind is powerful
Think of yourself as the person you want to become.

Looking for more inspirational weight-loss stories? Check out how Zamazindela lost 23 kilos, and how Belinda transformed her life and became a personal trainer? Want to kickstart your own weight-loss journey for summer and beyond? Get our Lean Body Blitz 12-week meal and fitness plan to turbo-charge your slim-down!

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