“I Started Eating Breakfast Every Morning And It Helped Me Lose Weight”

by | Jun 13, 2016 | Weight Loss

How Joeline began to eat breakfast to lose weight – plus more tips to drop four sizes!

It used to be an effort for Joeline Cornick to play with her kids – her size 40 dresses had become a tight squeeze and she felt her body was holding her back. “I couldn’t run up and down stairs, climb rocks at the beach or play soccer with my boys.” So Joeline took action and dropped four sizes.

Before: 87kg
After: 65kg
Time taken to lose weight: 8 months


By the time Joeline turned 30 she considered herself obese. As a single mother and career woman, she had little time to exercise or think about what she put into her mouth. “At my heaviest my diet consisted of lots of refined carbs like bread, alcohol and cheese, I never ate breakfast and I pigged out on junk food every evening.” Her energy levels were low and she suffered from insomnia.


Joeline’s wake-up call came at 87kg after she’d gained a mountain of weight in a short space of time and realised that she was only three kilos away from 90. “The weight, the lack of sleep… It all became too much to handle,” recalls Joeline. She decided 
to enlist the help of a qualified trainer, Dave Robertson.



The first day wasn’t easy. “I cried during my first training session.
I didn’t realise how much damage I’d done to myself. The physical exercise was very hard.” But this determined mom persevered and as her workout intensity increased, so the kilos started dropping off. Encouraged, she overhauled her diet. “I quit alcohol completely and instituted a no-sugar, no- wheat, no-dairy policy,” recalls Joeline. Her energy levels soared. “Dave also recommended I try to eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch and a pauper for dinner with no carbs after three.”


Once an insomniac, Joeline now sleeps through the night – every night. She’s gone from a size 40 to a size 32 and can now keep up with her kids. “It’s amazing to be fit and healthy. Even getting into a costume feels great.”


Eat breakfast. “Eating in
the morning helps me perform
at work and in the gym.”

Remember the basics. “Sleep, healthy eating and training. Weight loss is a marathon, not a race.”

Do the work. “For maintenance I train twice a week, but if I feel
I need to slim down I ‘peak’ for three weeks – twice-a-day training three times a week.”

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