Your June 2024 Sex Horoscope Is Here And It’s Time To Add A Date Night To Your Calendar

by | Jun 3, 2024 | Sex

If you hope to make 2024 a year filled with love and joy, you’re in luck. The zodiac is feeling romantic this June, with plenty of opportunities for lighting new romantic sparks and rekindling old ones, says Donna Page, an Atlanta-based astrologer with a graduate degree in counselling psychology.

“The energy of the month is light-hearted and flirty,” Page says. “Expect fun conversations, banter and connection as more pleasure and fun come into our everyday experiences.” The month starts with a surge of light, sociable Gemini energy, as the new moon, sun, Mercury (the planet of communication) and Venus (the planet of love and pleasure) all sit in the air sign. This is a great time to date, whether that means meeting new people or hitting a fun, trendy spot with your partner.

As the month progresses and Cancer season approaches, the romantic energy takes a more serious turn. On June 17, Venus moves into this intuitive water sign, making it clear to the zodiac who is and is not compatible with them, per Page. The month ends with a full moon in the earth sign of Capricorn on the 21st, which will really drive home a lesson on what you need, romantically speaking.

Wondering what all this means for your sign? Keep reading for Page’s analysis.


Aries zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: Relationships take work, Aries, and you’ve been feeling that lately. Take a break from the deep chats and make way for some good old-fashioned fun this month. Hit an arcade, plan a picnic, or do whatever the two of you like to do for fun. Lightening up the mood is essential, especially if life has been feeling a bit heavy. The full moon in Capricorn may have you considering the balance between your big career goals and your relationship. Remember that both are important places to invest your time. Overall, clear communication is key this month, so be open with your partner. They want to know how you are feeling.

Single: Sometimes love finds you when you least expect it and that is definitely the case for you this month. It’s quite possible you will meet the next LOYL in line at Woolworths. Keep your eyes and energy open to new people, even if they are not your usual type. Love is unpredictable, Aries! When the full moon in Capricorn arrives on the 21st, it brings a perfect opportunity for you to open up to anyone you may have your eye on. While you like to keep your feelings close, bringing people into your world is a great way to see if you connect on a deeper level.


Taurus zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: It’s possible you’ve been finding your S.O. a bit, well, annoying lately, Taurus. If so, it’s not necessarily a reason for a breakup—but rather, a potential way to deepen your bond. Mars, the planet of action, is in your sign, which makes you want to make big moves and assert yourself. Before you do this, though, communicate with your partner. Bringing them into what’s going on in your head is important! This will bring you closer together rather, than letting some simmering irritation spiral into something larger. Take time to enjoy each other’s company and you’ll leave June more aligned than ever.

Single: Mars, the planet of action, is in your sign this month, pushing you right into centre stage. It’s possible you have more opportunities for love than ever. Before you get overwhelmed by options, though, get clear on what makes you happy and what you desire in a relationship. You’re in the driver’s seat, Taurus. If someone does catch your eye, shoot your shot. The astrological forecast is looking romantic, particularly around the full moon in Capricorn on the 21st. Luckily, all you have to do is be yourself! The opportunities will come to you.


Gemini zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: Communication is always key, Gemini, but especially this month. Mercury, the planet of communication, is in your sign, highlighting how you talk to others, particularly your lover. If you’ve been feeling growing pains in your relationship, it’s important to express that to your partner. While honest conversations can seem intimidating, they are essential for long-term love. Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, is also in your sign, making the romantic opportunities plentiful. Plan a date night where you and bae can get dressed up and really flirt with one another. It’ll be fun and a way to bring you closer together.

Single: Finding love will be easy this month, Gemini. All you have to decide is what you’re looking for. With so many of the planets in your sign, including the sun itself, you are the centre of attention. Your Main Character Energy is felt when you enter the room, so pay attention to what you’re putting out there. If you’re looking for love, keep the flirty vibes high and let people come to you. You’ll be feeling and looking better than ever, so overall, it’s a pretty great month to be you.


Cancer zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: Your partner may be able to do a lot of things, Cancer, but reading your mind is not one of them. Communicate with your person about the little things (like what you want for lunch) and the big things (like where you want to live, your career goals and more). Your birthday is around the corner, making for a perfect opportunity to ask for what you want and need. Tell your person what you want to do for your special day and let them take care of you! Enjoy being celebrated and strengthen your bond in the process.

Single: If you’ve been looking for ~the one~, they are on the way, Cancer. Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, enters your sign on June 17, bringing with it potential for romance. Your work in the first part of June is getting clear on who and what you’re looking for. When you take a hard look at your values and future plans, what kind of person (if any) is by your side? Be sure to answer these questions before things get steamy later in the month. The full moon in Capricorn signals the potential for a friendship to turn into something more. Enjoy this month full of opportunities!

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Leo zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: For Leos in relationships, this month is about balancing time between your partner and your friends. There are plenty of opportunities for fun this month, but it’s important to make bae feel appreciated and included, too. So, as you’re solidifying up your June plans with your besties, make some plans with your boo, as well. Carving out some date nights will make the month even more exciting and romantic for you both.

Single: Leo, you are always a social butterfly, but your June schedule may seem particularly packed. Enjoy the long dinners with friends and keep your eyes open for any suitors. You’ll likely meet someone new through a friend this month and with the way your calendar is looking, there will be plenty of opportunities. Enjoy meeting new people and mixing it up, especially around the new moon in Gemini on June 6. Now is a great time for you to connect with others and really show your true self.


Virgo zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: If your relationship is feeling a bit stale lately, don’t worry, Virgo. Consider June the time for you to let loose and really enjoy time with your partner. Instead of spending your Friday nights at home, hit the new bar everyone’s been raving about for some much-needed margaritas! It’s all about having fun conversations and enjoying each other’s company; don’t let the pressure of making it perfect stand in the way of you having a good time. The full moon in Capricorn on the 21st has you feeling even more romantic than usual. It’s a great time to retreat with your bae.

Single: You are a hard worker and oftentimes, your career takes priority over pretty much everything else. But the thing is, you’re not going to find the LOYL or even a fling while you’re punching numbers into a spreadsheet at work or catching up on your emails. Make sure to make time to play this month. The full moon in fellow earth sign Capricorn on the 21st makes you more charming than ever, so stay open to the potential for romance, even if it’s someone outside of your usual type. Staying open can lead to exciting new possibilities, Virgo!


Libra zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: If you and bae have been skirting around the big topics, this is a perfect month to dive deep. Spend time dreaming about the future with your partner and don’t get too bogged down with practicality. Allowing yourselves to dream together can help you see an even bigger vision meant for you that you wouldn’t be able to achieve on your own. Keep an open flow of dialogue as you begin to lay the foundation for your future together. This will be a harmonious and exciting month for the two of you, filled with your wildest fantasies, Libra.

Single: Libra, I am sorry to burst your bubble, but your list of criteria for dating is reaching CVS-receipt lengths. It’s time to examine what you’re looking for and expand your horizons. When you cling to a laundry list of qualities, it is easy to miss what’s right in front of you. The full moon in the practical sign of Capricorn on the 21st brings a more realistic approach to dating. Assess compatibility and shared goals over aesthetics, Libra. It’ll lead to exciting new connections with people you may have otherwise overlooked.


Scorpio zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: You may find yourself closer to your partner than ever this month and I’m not just talking about in the bedroom. The sensual energy is definitely high this month, particularly when Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, enters fellow water sign Cancer on the 17th. But so is your desire for intimate connection. Share your fears and dreams with your partner, even if it feels scary to do so. It’s important to be your true self in general, but especially in your relationship, Scorpio. The full moon in Capricorn on the 21st makes communicating in a clear and calm way easier for you, which will strengthen your relationship.

Single: This month is ripe with potential for deep and meaningful connections. Let your intuition be your guide as you swipe on dating apps or meet new people through friends. While you usually keep your guard up, this month challenges you to be more open and honest about how you’re feeling with people you’re dating. While you don’t have to share your whole diary with them, it’s okay to tell someone you like them, Scorpio! The sensual energy will be high around the the 17th as Venus enters fellow water sign Cancer. If you have a crush, now is the time to tell them. Chances are, they’re feeling you, too.


Sagittarius zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: You and bae have been working hard all year. And finally, you can take some time to celebrate in June. Enjoy a fun month filled with date nights, late-night giggles in bed and unexpected adventures. Let your partner be the lead as you explore new restaurants and parties. When the planets shift to Cancer at the end of the month, you’ll be feeling more intuitive and sensitive, leading to deep convos. Stay open and take time to hear what your partner is telling you. This month will make your bond stronger than ever.

Single: Is it hot in here, Sagittarius, or is it just you? The Gemini new moon on the 6th starts out the month on a fiery note, with tons of opportunity for romance. Enjoy getting dressed up and being wined and dined, Sag. You’re great company and it’s no surprise everyone is vying for your attention. When Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, moves into the intuitive water sign Cancer on the 17th, you may find yourself catching some feelings for one of the people in your orbit. Explore any exciting connections you’re drawn to! Your intuition is strong at this time.

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Capricorn zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: The sun is shining and it is the perfect time for you and your partner to tackle some of those DIY projects you have pinned to your Pinterest boards. You could dabble in vegetable gardening or build a fire pit for your friends to gather around. Whatever it is, embrace a task together and it’ll help you avoid stress this month. On the 21st, the full moon in Capricorn emphasises the importance of work-life balance. Make sure you take time for your relationship and communicate when work may take a little more of your focus. A heads-up can go a long way.

Single: Capricorn, to borrow a line from Rihanna, you can find love in a hopeless place. Stay open to opportunities where you least expect them this month. Maybe you lock eyes with someone while you’re picking up after your dog, or looking truly wild after a night out with the gals. Instead of running the other way, say hello! You are your own worst critic and it’s likely whoever is checking you out is feeling you, smudged eyeliner and all. The full moon in your sign on the 21st makes you even more attractive, literally pulling people into your orbit. Enjoy this time meeting and dating plenty of new people.


Aquarius zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: Aquarius, it’s time to channel your fun, quirky energy into some fun date nights for you and bae. The winter season is here and it’s a great time to get out and explore new things. Find something out of the ordinary—perhaps a new hiking trail, or tickets to a quirky play—and surprise bae with the date night of their life! This attention will go a long way in making your S.O. feel appreciated and bring you closer together with new memories.

Single: The stars are aligned for an exciting few months filled with romantic dates and fun nights out on the town that lead to interesting conversations with new people. Keep things light and fun toward the beginning of the month and don’t feel pressured to tie yourself to one person. When the full moon in Capricorn arrives on the 21st, it’ll bring some practicality to your romantic endeavours. Long-term compatibility will become clear.


Pisces zodiac or horososcope illustration
Zodiac Illustration by Aya Kakeda

In a relationship: It’s time to get back to your roots this month, Pisces. What did you and bae enjoy doing when you first go together? If you love hitting late-night movies or Trivia Tuesdays, indulge in some nostalgic date nights this month to remind you of the early days of your relationship. The full moon in Capricorn is in your house of friendships, making it a great time to go out with friends and really enjoy yourselves! When you make time for fun, your relationship will benefit Pisces.

Single: Pisces, do you find yourself in the same relationship over and over again? If so, it’s time to analyse these patterns and break them. Examine your beliefs around love this month and release what is no longer serving you. The sun and Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, move into fellow water sign Cancer, making your intuition stronger than ever. Stay open to new connections, but make sure you are spending time with people who make your world better.

This article written by Jacqueline Tempera was originally published on Women’s Health US.

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