Lee-Ann Liebenberg Reveals Her Fitness Secrets

by | Mar 7, 2016 | Weight Loss

We all know that model Lee-Ann Liebenberg is bold, beautiful and knows how to rock a cover shoot. But what happened when she swapped her buff belly for a baby bump? Same thing that would happen to any other woman: extra padding.

HEIGHT: 1.73m
BODY CHANGE: Lost 20kg
TIME FRAME: 1 year
SECRET WEAPON: Fasted cardio

The Pregnancy Gain

“During my pregnancies, the pressure of being ‘SA’s Sexiest Woman’ was off me and I could just let go and eat,” she recalls. “I would indulge in junk food and sweets. I basically reverted to unhealthy habits from my childhood – I’m an emotional eater.” Lee-Ann loved the bump. The post-birth bulk? Not so much. “There’s so much pressure on new moms to be back in a bikini soon after giving birth. I definitely felt that pressure, so I had no choice but to lose my baby weight quickly,” says Lee-Ann.

Shedding The Weight

It was tough in the beginning and had to work smart. Instead of eliminating entire food groups, Lee-Ann paid attention to how she ate. “It was impossible for me to cut out sugar. I have such a sweet tooth. So instead of eating a whole slab of chocolate, I only had a block or two. The same went for junk food – I never shied away from a slice of pizza. White bread, on the other hand, is the enemy and should be avoided at all costs. Rather have low-GI, high-fibre bread,” says Lee-Ann.

She also adopted an old-school weight-loss tip: “I’ve always believed in the power of water and I still drink two litres a day,” she says. Next, Lee-Ann started training for 30 to 40 minutes a day, five days a week. She mixed up her workouts with cardio and light weights. “My favourite exercise right now is working out with medicine balls. It’s fun, not too difficult and works my arms and core muscles,” she says. It’s been 18 months since her daughter Gabriella was born and she’s seeing rewarding results. “I just kept pushing on and my body is transforming slowly. I think if you do a crash diet, the weight you’ve lost will just come back, but if you have patience and do it slowly, the results will stick. And it’s so worth it.”

This year Lee-Ann wants to up the ante. “I want to start doing Pilates and yoga. Pilates for muscle definition and yoga to learn to switch off.”

Lee-Ann Liebenberg's Fit Day Secrets
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