“The Lingerie Shoot Was A Turning Point — I Saw This Voluptuous, Sexy Woman”

by | Jun 7, 2018 | Sex & Love

How Nina Masango “realised that not only thin women can let loose” – in her own words…

“My first ideas about romance, love and sex came from movies and ill-informed discussions with friends. Sex was always made to seem intense: these beautiful, thin women having orgasmic sessions in bed, wearing lingerie that fitted their bodies perfectly. And then there was me. Never mind lingerie, I didn’t even wear jeans until after I left university because, unlike other women, I couldn’t find a pair that both covered my bum and fitted me properly.

“I Paid A Dentist To Wire My Jaw Shut…”

“I guess my weight issues began when I started to notice boys. For me, they made better friends than they did boyfriends. Why on earth would they find me attractive if I didn’t think I was? Some guys would say, ‘Iyhoo, upakile maan’ (nice big ass), and I’d laugh it off as if it wasn’t getting to me. But it did.

READ MORE: This Is Exactly How Your Weight Affects Your Sex Life

“When I eventually started dating, I was already on a roller coaster ride with my weight. I went to all sorts of lengths to drop kilos. I even paid a dentist to wire my jaw shut. The idea was to restrict my diet to liquids only. I wouldn’t even need willpower; it would be physically impossible to eat anything. He agreed, but he didn’t do it successfully because after a few days the pain was so unbearable I was forced to remove the wires. I know, madness! I spent my twenties losing and then regaining 20kg.

The Yo-Yo Effect

“Once I lost the weight I found that more guys wanted to go out with me, but in hindsight I realise it was the confidence I got from losing the kilos that made me believe I could get any guy I wanted. And I did. But the relationships wouldn’t last because I’d sabotage them when the kilos crept back and I became afraid they’d break up with me. Then I’d go on binges, packing on the weight and the misery.

READ MORE: “I Prioritised My Sex Life Over Everything Else For 2 Weeks”

The (Sexual) Turning Point

“In 2005, my family encouraged me to enter a ‘Search For a Real Woman’ competition; I thought I was too heavy, but ended up as one of the finalists and have been modelling ever since. The day I did my first lingerie shoot was a turning point. I saw this beautiful, voluptuous, sexy woman in the photos and started worrying less about holding in my tummy during sex and enjoying the experience more.

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“I used to worry that guys would be put off by my generous thighs and bum, but now I use those very parts to entice and seduce. It drives men crazy! And I’ve also stopped restricting myself by thinking only thin women can enjoy certain positions or let loose. I understand and appreciate my body, its flexibility and the orgasmic journey it takes me on. Sex has become a lot more fun, crazy, intense and fulfilling for both me and the person I’m with. As soon as I accepted my curves and voluptuousness, I realized I can do or go wherever my imagination takes me.”

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