3 Ways To Make His Penis Feel MUCH Bigger, According To A Sexpert

by | Jun 12, 2015 | Sex & Love

Feel like your sex life would improve if his penis were just a little bigger? Research shows that, while men can technically make their penises bigger through a process called the “traction method,” it’s not exactly realistic – they’d have to wear a penile extender for four to six hours a day for a total of four months.

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The easier option? Follow one of these tips from sex therapist Ian Kerner, author of She Comes First, for making his penis feel bigger (without actually having to go through all that legwork)…

1. Turn Up the Heat

“One of the things that contributes to a guy’s size is the amount of blood that flows into the penis and how hard he is,” says Kerner. Translation: The more turned on he is, the bigger he’ll feel inside of you. So take time with foreplay and linger over your fave oral sex positions.

2. Do Some Down-There Exercises

By flexing your Kegel muscles during sex, you’ll create more friction – which means you’ll feel your man more intensely during the action.

3. Encourage Him to Lay Off Going Solo

When a guy hasn’t masturbated for a couple of days, there’ll be more blood flow to his penis when he is stimulated again, which means he’ll feel bigger than ever. Of course, this gets a little tricky because you probably can’t just ask him to not masturbate without explaining why and hurting his feelings.

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If you two are pretty open with each other sexually, Kerner suggests making a playful comment like, “You feel so full right now – you must not have been looking at your computer for a few days.” Or, if that seems like a bit much, you could always turn on the Seinfeld episode where they see who can go the longest without masturbating and then suggest that you two try something similar.

This is one of the most common issues sex therapists see – and how to fix it. Plus: 5 gynaes share the sex tips that have changed their patients’ lives.

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