Here’s Exactly What Your Type Of Poo Means About Your Health

by | Apr 19, 2018 | Health

Poo transplants may be the future, but what about the stuff you’re making right now? There’s no exact magic type you should see in the bowl, but it should be fairly consistent in frequency, form and colour. See where yours fits in on the Bristol Stool Chart (types 3 and 4 are ideal).

Type 1: It’s Hard

Got a super hard stool that’s broken up into small pieces? These have spent a longer time in your system, meaning you’re probably constipated.

Type 2: It’s Lumpy

If it’s lumpy but sausage-shaped, it could also mean you’re constipated. Time to drink more water and add fibre to your meals, like leafy greens.

READ MORE: This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Hold In Your Poop

Type 3: The Sweet Spot

If it kinda looks like a sausage but with cracks on the surface, you’re good. It should be soft and easy to pass – you shouldn’t spend longer than a minute pushing it out.

Type 4: The Good Kind

This one also closely resembles a sausage but is smoother on the surface and soft. Ideally, you should be having this one every one to three days.

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Type 5: Soft Blobs

If it’s soft blobs with clear-cut edges that are easy to pass, you’re probably also rushing to the bathroom. You could have mild diarrhoea, but most of the time it goes away by itself after a few days.

Type 6: Fluffy Pieces

If they’re fluffy, with ragged edges that are mushy, consider drinking fluids with electrolytes. You could have diarrhoea if you have these more than three times a day.

Type 7: Watery

If your stool is watery with zero definition, you may need to see your doctor if it lasts longer than two days. You could be dehydrated, so look for other signs, like dry mouth, headache or dizziness.

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