4 Best Hair Protein Treatments To Help You Get Amazing Hair

by | Jul 25, 2019 | Hair

If you’re into fitness, you know all about the wonders of protein. Known for its muscle and tissue building and repairing properties — protein is the building blocks holding our bodies together. It’s essential for our bones, muscles cartilage, skin, blood, nails and hair. Our nails and hair are made up mostly of a protein called keratin. Given that the body doesn’t store up protein (unlike fat), we need to make sure we’re getting our fill.

Here’s how to feed your follicles from the inside… and out.

Why Protein Matters

…In Your Diet

This macronutrient and its building blocks, amino acids, are critical for hair growth and the formation of keratin, your hair’s main structural component, says dietician Dr Amy Goss. Consuming animal protein is the best way to get your daily dose of strand-strengthening amino acids, but if you’re vegetarian or vegan, certain meat-free proteins (like the ones below), will give you what you need, says Goss. When it comes to quantity, aim for 30g of protein three times a day for optimal hair health, says physician Dr Gabrielle Lyon. Signs you’re probably not hitting your numbers? Frizz, lack of shine and hair loss.

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…In Your Haircare

Bleaching, heat styling and environmental aggressors (UV rays, wind, dry air) strip moisture from hair and erode the amino-acid chains that form the keratin in each strand, says hair expert and product formulator Philip B: “When those chains are damaged, you see breakage, split ends and roughness.” Protein-based products can rebuild the amino-acid chains and help lock in moisture. Contrary to old-school thinking, regular use of these formulas won’t make hair brittle; any protein your strands don’t absorb rinses away. But intensive treatments can weigh hair down, so limit use to once or twice a week.

The ‘Mane’ Menu

Whether nibbled or infused into a product, these protein-rich foods have serious hair-fortifying powers.

Soy Beans

Snack on:

A half a cup of soy beans will give you nine grams of protein.

Slather on:

Carol's Daughter Hair Milk Cleansing Conditioner

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Snack on:

Snacking on a quater cup of these babies will give you seven grams of protein.

Slather on:

Crede Sweet Almond Oil


Snack on:

One egg will up your protein intake by six grams

Slather on:

ORS Hair Mayonnaise

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Greek Yoghurt

Snack on:

One cup of greek yoghurt gives 15 grams of protein.

Slather on:

Hask Greek Yogurt Pomegranate & Cranberry Deep Conditioner

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