A Sneak Peek Of Rihanna’s Beauty Line Is Here — And We’re Obsessed!

by | Feb 21, 2017 | Make-up

By Zinhlezonke Zikalala and Image from Instagram

Say ‘Hello’ to Rihanna’s Fenty beauty line — it’s finally here, and it’s about to serve nothing else, but sauce. 

The news of Rihanna working on a beauty line, first hit the streets in April last year — and it was all very hush hush. Well, the wait is over and Fenty Beauty is here and it’s about to change the game. This however comes at no surprise because Rihanna is a true epitome of modern beauty with an edge.

Don’t Miss It

Not so long ago an official Instagram account was launched for the line, @fentybeautycosmetics, and a hashtag #fentybeautycosmetics of which you’ll find product details that have been shared as teasers on the hashtags with a few Instagram posts that have given us the first peeks of the products the beauty line offers.

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The Products…

Next to an image of a model wearing a pink lip colour and extra thick fake eyelashes, a caption reads: “This holographic lip colour is set to be the first product released under the long-awaited makeup label Fenty Beauty by Rihanna.

See we don’t really know what a “holographic lip colour” is, but if it gets us any closer to being able to pull off Rihanna’s diaphanous onesie in the “This Is What You Came For” video, then best believe that we all about the holographic lip colour and we’re prepared to buying them all.

READ MORE: This Is Why People Are Putting Makeup… On Their Thighs

#THISISWHATYOUCAMEFOR video out now on @VEVO and @TIDAL ⚡️

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