Up Your Running Game With These Olympian-Approved Drills

by | Nov 6, 2017 | Fitness

By Michelle October; photograph by Freepik
You’d be hard-pressed to find a better expert.
There’s more to running than lacing up and hitting the road. If you want to run faster for longer, conditioning drills are important. Dominique Scott, Olympian and long distance runner, dishes out her top moves, from her go-to warm-up routine to the agility work she does on the track.

Warm Up  

This warm-up emphasises dynamic, fluid movements to get your muscles ready for the strain of the run. Do these moves before every run, and make sure to get the full range of motion in every rep. Then, walk down a stretch of track on your toes, and walk back on your heels.

READ MORE: Here’s What Nobody Tells You About Being A Record-Breaking Athlete

Get Conditioned

Mark out a 100m stretch of track for yourself and do these moves as fast as you can:
Two sets of…
— High Knees
— Butt Kicks
— Karaoke drills
— High-knee skipping (or A-skips)
READ MORE: Your Easy 10K Training Plan And Tips To Crush It In Just 6 Weeks
Next, roll out a rope ladder or mark out spaces with tape in front of you (about 50cm spaced out over five metres) and do these moves:
Two sets of…
— Fast Feet (running through – one foot in each block)
— Single leg hops (three with one foot, three with the other)
— High knees to the side (right leg first)
— High knees to the other side
— Sideways in out, fast feet (right leg first)
— Sideways in out, fast feet
To cool down, end off the session with a quick 2km jog around the block. Dominique took 30 lucky Women’s Health readers through their paces with a one-on-one Masterclass, consisting of the workout here. Check out the video below.

Want more? Try this weighted cardio workout, and do it in the morning, because science says there’s no better time to get your sweat on.

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