7 Signs A Diet Will Just Leave You ‘Hangry’

by | Jun 22, 2015 | Weight Loss

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…So you’ll know not to waste your time on it.

No one diet is the end-all, be-all of weight loss, according to research from the Journal of American Medical Association. The study found what we all know to be true: The best diet is the one you’ll actually stick with – and what’s more, that many people are pretty bad at choosing a plan they’ll be able to actually follow through on. “Being realistic with yourself about what type of nutrition programme is right for you is actually one of the keys to long-term success,” says dietician and weight-loss expert Jaime Mass.

So how can you know if a diet won’t work for you – long before you waste your time on it? If it checks off any of these boxes…

It Cuts Too Many Kilojoules

Any diet plans that ask you to restrict kilojoules to less than 5000 per day is just not a good idea, says Lori Chong, a dietician at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Centre. Most women need to eat at least 5000 to 6000 kilojoules a day (even when trying to lose weight) to avoid feeling hangry and exhausted. And eating too little can actually send your body into starvation mode so your body burns muscle rather than fat, too.

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It Eliminates Whole Food Groups

Don’t think about zebras. Now what are you thinking about? Zebras, right? The same thing happens when you try to forgo a certain food. Granted, if you have a food allergy or food sensitivity, that’s another thing entirely, says Mass. But if you aren’t allergic to gluten, fruit, whole grains or legumes, there’s no reason to rid them from your diet, she says. You’ll just be setting yourself up for bingeing and potential deficiencies, says Chong.

It Doesn’t Fit With Your Lifestyle

If you’ve got a crazed schedule, a diet that requires lots of meal prep could make you feel overwhelmed and, when you lose steam, like a failure, says Mass. Likewise, if you love to go out and eat with friends, a diet that puts limits on your ability to eat out probably isn’t going to go over well. “Your everyday life should be considered any time you choose a plan involving food and nutrition,” she says.

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You Have To Eat The Same Food To Death

Variety is the spice of life. If your diet doesn’t allow you to mix up your menu options, you are going to get bored really fast, says Chong.

It Leaves No Room For Indulgence

“We all like a treat now and then,” says Chong – and that’s completely okay. “If your plan doesn’t allow this or teach you how to include a treat, then it probably won’t be sustainable for long,” she says. Plus, research in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disordersshows that carbs increase your levels of leptin, a powerful satiety hormone, as well as the number of kilojoules you burn in the following 24 hours. Looking for a ‘healthy’ treat now? Try this low-carb carrot cake recipe.

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It’s All Liquid

While there’s nothing wrong with having a smoothie for breakfast, consuming only things that come from a cup is a different story. “If a plan requires you to drink liquid for meals, it is likely a crash diet;” says Mass. “I would also worry about your health and nutrient intake on it: Would you even meet your caloric needs? The diet could slow down your metabolism or cause digestive issues.” What’s more, these types of weight-loss programmes almost always lead to binge eating and eventual weight gain, she says.

You Have To Eat Food You Hate

Most of us would rather eat cupcakes than kale, but if you straight-up despise the foods your diet makes you eat (plus, why isn’t your diet letting you make your own food choices in the first place?), every meal is going to leave you unsatisfied, says Mass. Even if the foods your diet makes you eat are perfectly healthy and balanced, it doesn’t matter because you won’t be eating anything you detest for long.

Looking for more info? Here are four reasons why you’re always ‘hangry’ plus the five physical signs that your eating habits need to change ASAP.

 This article was originally published on www.womenshealthmag.com

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