by Women's Health | Jun 10, 2020 | Workouts
When you’re able to activate your glutes, you will see an improvement in your running, cycling, yoga practise, Pilates… And you’ll prevent all kinds of injuries. “It’s hard not to overemphasise how important a strong core and strong...
by Women's Health | Sep 7, 2018 | Career & Money, Fitness
Briana Chandler, or @bribaebee, is taking the fitness world by storm. This girl with a 300k insta following and booty goals galore started off just like all of us. Stressful college days and ups and downs led to an unhealthy relationship with food. It also led her to...
by Women's Health | Jul 4, 2018 | WH Promotion & Events
With close to 1 million followers on Instagram, Sbahle ‘FitnessBunnie’ Mpisana, is definitely #goals. She’s got it all: brains, beauty, a sparkling personality and killer abs to match! We chatted to the Insta-star to find out how she stays fit and...
by Women's Health | May 22, 2018 | Fitness, Workouts
Have you ever caught yourself scrolling through Kim Kardashian’s Instagram thinking: Damn, what does that woman do to sculpt her booty…? Well, the workout gods are shining down upon you, because Kim’s trainer, Melissa Alcantara, has shared her go-to...
by Women's Health | Mar 26, 2018 | Fitness, Workouts
This pre-exercise routine from strength and conditioning specialist Bret Contreras will energise ’em like a double shot of espresso. Perform three sets before any workout. If you’re pressed for time, aim for at least two sets of each move. Side-Lying Clamshell Lie on...