by Women's Health | May 9, 2023 | Sexual Health
Chances are you’ve experienced a stinging sensation while peeing before. Then, five minutes after closing the bathroom door, you felt like you have to go again. At this point, you probably think to yourself, Great, another UTI. How long does a UTI last again? That...
by Women's Health | Dec 15, 2022 | Sexual Health
Being a woman certainly has its benefits but some aspects of womanhood are far from glamorous, in fact they are down right unpleasant. Bothersome vaginal infections are high on the list, with about a third of women being affected at some point during their lifetime....
by Women's Health | Oct 11, 2018 | Health
The moment signs of a vaginal yeast infection make themselves known—the itch you discreetly get at by squirming in your seat, the gates of hell suddenly relocating to between your legs, and the clumpy discharge—nothing else matters…other than getting it gone....
by Women's Health | Jun 20, 2018 | Sex & Love
Welp, you have a yeast infection. The burning and itching is annoying AF, and now you can’t even have sex, right? Surprise! Sex isn’t totally off the table—that is, as long as the thick, white discharge doesn’t dissuade you. “A yeast infection is just an...
by Women's Health | Apr 13, 2018 | Health
Vaginal yeast infections are the LBDs of lady diseases; they’re everywhere, they’re basically the same even if they look slightly different, and pretty much every woman has had one at some point or another. Okay, so that’s where the comparison ends — no one has...