Meet The Mirena’s Baby Sister — The Kyleena IUD

by | Apr 12, 2019 | Health

After not being on The Pill for many years, I entered a new relationship and I decided to go back to contraceptives. I went for a very low-dosage Pill called Zoely. It’s now been two years and I’ve developed some blemishes on my face. This, I’ve been told by my gynaecologist, is due to being on the Pill and being a sporty outdoors person. Read: sun exposure. Even though I put SPF 50 on whenever I exercise outside, my body is one of those that reacts to the estrogen.

So what’s a girl to do? My gynae recommended I try an IUD.

The Benefits Of An IUD

Chose 1 IUD over 1 826 Pills that you need to remember t take timeously over the next 5 years.

The Mirena and the Kyleena IUDs are both estrogen-free, which means (according to my gynae), that it’s the best contraceptive option for someone who develops blemishes. They both only release progesterone.

The benefits of the Mirena? It’s the only FDA-approved IUD to treat heavy periods. However, some people complain about discomfort and even pain when using the Mirena. The Mirena measures in at 32mm x 32mm, whereas the Kyleena is 28mm x 30mm.

READ MORE: This Is What It REALLY Feels Like To Get The Mirena Inserted

The Mirena VS Kyleena IUD

Side effects: The Mirena also comes with a longer list of potential side effects compared to the Kyleena. These include: heavier bleeding during the first few weeks after device insertion, general puffiness and a loss of interest in sex, which apparently the Kyleena does not.

Best suited to: The Mirena is actually better suited to those who have already been pregnant and given birth, whereas the Kyleena can be for anyone.

Interaction with other drugs: The Mirena has shown to interact with insulin, blood thinners and steroids whereas the Kyleena has not yet shown to interact with other drugs as of yet.

The dosage: The release rate of levonorgestrel (progesterone) in Kyleena is 17.5 mcg/day whereas the Mirena release more hormones per day at 20 mcg/day.

My Decision

When I visited my gynae for our annual check-up, she suggested that I try the Kyleena. So after my Pap Smear, we did a little check to see if we’d be able to insert the Kyleena in her rooms. It turns out I have cervical stenosis. This means that the passageway through the cervix (from the vagina to the uterus) is narrow or completely closed. This means that my only option would be to go into theatre and under aesthetic for cervical dilation surgery.

After thinking about it for a while, I’ve decided to stay on the Pill for the next while. I can live with some small blemishes.

Side note: it’s important to remember that none of the IUDs or contraceptive Pills offer 100% effective pregnancy prevention. This woman fell pregnant while on the Mirena and nearly died.

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