This Warrior Workout Is Amazing For Your Core

by | Jul 21, 2016 | Workouts

By Amelia Jean Jones

Thor to the core!

Train like a warrior and feel like a superhero with this props-free, at-home workout.

Most workouts promise a flatter belly and perkier butt, but the Viking Method – an intense workout programme that’s huge in the UK right now – goes one step further, with a focus on how your workout makes you feel. “Icelanders pride themselves on strength,” says its founder, Svava Sigbertsdottir. “We train for power and strength. Losing a few kilos is just a bonus.” Her routine focuses on functional exercises that improve running, jumping, lifting, crawling, pulling and pushing. “To make your body work to the max in a short time, switch between functional cardio and resistance exercises,” says Sigbertsdottir. “It increases growth hormones, decreases stress hormones and insulin levels and burns fat. Basically, your metabolism will hit the roof.” Do each move for 30 seconds with a 30-second break between intervals. Horned helmet and hammer optional.’

You’ll need: Sets: six Floor space. That’s it.

Reverse Squat Jumps


With shoulders back and heels on the floor, lower into a squat (A). Jump up and backward (B), landing back in a deep squat (C). That’s one rep. Do as many as you can in the allotted time.
Sets: six

Spiderman Crawls

From plank, bring your right foot and left hand forward and place them down on the ground, core engaged and butt low (A). Repeat on the opposite side (B). That’s one rep. Do as many as you can in the allotted time.
Sets: six

Arm Walks

Get in a push-up position with your core engaged (A). Holding push-up position, walk your hands forward and back to shift your weight (B). That’s one rep. Do as many as you can in the allotted time, aiming for six.
Sets: six

Jumping Kicks

Stand on your left leg with your right slightly behind (A). Jump and drop onto the right leg while driving your left knee up with a high kick (B). Do as many as you can in the allotted time.
Sets: six

Want to tone up and get stronger? Try this beginner’s running plan to lose weight.

This article was originally published on

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