Do This Workout To Score The Tightest Tush Of Your Life

by | Dec 7, 2017 | Fitness

By Michelle October; Photograph by Casey Crafford

Drop it low. 

When it comes to workouts, we take a leaf from sportswomen: the most obvious choice, since they’re next-level fit. This bikini season, we’re looking to Bejancke Della, beach volleyball player, for workouts that keep her in the insane shape she’s in.

Bejancke’s Workout Is Hardcore

Playing beach volleyball with get you fit in no time. With the indoor version, you’re supported by five other teammates, but on the beach, you’re alone with one other person.  Just ask pro beach volleyball player Bejancke Della. “There’s a lot of jumping involved and falling around on the floor and getting up quickly… you don’t have a lot of time to stay down,” says Bejancke.

READ MORE: These Are Jeannie D’s Top Moves For Toning Your Abs, Butt And Thighs 

Score A Tighter Tush 

To make sure she’s fit enough for a game on the sand, Bejancke does tons of cardio by running a lot. “The fitness [training] in beach volleyball is more for running purposes… you have to be really fit because you run on sand, and there’s only two people on a side,” she says.  When she’s not training, she also does workouts in the gym involving box jumps, squat jumps and lunges to target her quads and butt so she’s ready for the demanding nature of sport on sand. “Your core has to be really strong, and your quads. You have to do a lot of quad work in order to jump higher, especially when you’re really short like me,” she says.

READ MORE: The #1 Reason Why You’re Not Seeing Results From Your Butt Workouts

Want more? Try these HIIT moves to score a tighter butt, and read this if you need a reason to love your butt the way it is. 

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