This Is The Only Treatment For Hyperpigmentation You’ll Ever Need

by | Jun 26, 2019 | Skincare

The warmer weather may have officially slipped away, but you may still be left with hyperpigmentation. Which btw, is a common skin condition that brings darker discoloration to the skin. It’s often a result of spending too much time in the sun, but also includes anything from age spots to melasma (those brown to grey-brown patches on the skin), and dark spots caused by acne scars or injuries.

While it’s generally harmless, we know that its appearance can be quite the knock to your confidence, easily adding a good few years to your age. Plus, it doesn’t usually just go away on its own. Argh!

So, what’s causing it?

While sun exposure is a major culprit when it comes to skin pigmentation, other factors including inflammation, acne spots and other skin injuries also contribute to the skin struggle. Certain medications including tricyclic antidepressants can also be to blame.

Studies also show hormones to have a great influence on skin conditions, and as Lady Luck would have it, oestrogen has a direct impact on the production of melanin in women. This would explain why we battle with pigmentation more often than our male counterparts.

Life outdoors

Does this mean you have to choose between an even skin tone and your morning run? Not so fast – there are ways and means around it. According to the experts, a full-spectrum SPF and vitamin A are your skin’s best friend!

“The skin is a complex organ, but by understanding its structure and function it becomes easier to create skin that is reborn beautiful,” says world renowned plastic surgeon Dr Des Fernandes.

Because almost everyone suffers from a localised vitamin A deficiency, the first step to healthy skin will always be to work at restoring this deficiency.

Environ Focus Care™ Radiance + To The Rescue

If an even skin tone is what you’re after, the highly specialised Environ Focus Care™ Radiance+ Range is perfect for you! Containing targeted ingredients such as vitamins and several botanicals, the range contains three specialised products that form the revolutionary 3-step Mela-Smart System™, made to restore your beautiful skin.

The 3-step Mela-Smart System™ regime will change your skin

STEP 1: Mela-Prep Lotion

This luxurious lotion contains an expertly formulated combination of highly specialised ingredients that assist in improving the appearance of uneven skin tone and visible sun damage, leaving the skin looking brighter and more evenly toned.

Trust us, the benefits are amazing…

  • It contains special ingredients that work to assist in improving the appearance of uneven skin tone.
  • Leaves the skin looking fresh with a renewed radiance.
  • Helps clarify the appearance of sun-damaged skin.

STEP 2: Mela-Fade Serum System A&B

This innovative Serum System from Environ, contains a concentrated blend of vitamins and botanicals to assist in targeting and improving the appearance of discoloration, to give you a more evenly toned, healthier looking skin.

What makes the serum great is its intelligent ingredient combinations that work together to help fade the appearance of pigmentation, uneven skin tone and dark spots.

STEP 3: Mela-Even Cream

This cream from Environ is designed to help you reclaim your younger, healthy-looking, luminous skin, giving you that radiant glow with this technologically advanced vitamin C infused cream.

It’s just what you need because…

  • It helps with uneven skin tone and sorts out those fine lines by plumping up the look of your skin.
  • It assists with a healthy skin appearance and aids in fighting the sun’s harmful UV rays.
  • It works to get rid of those visible signs of ageing.

NEW Environ Focus Care™ Radiance+ Range
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