“I Know What My Zodiac Sign Is — But What Exactly Is My Moon Sign?”

by | Mar 27, 2018 | Life

Most of us are familiar with our zodiac sign – the sign that aligns with your personality and is the basis of most horoscope predictions. But your moon sign is totally different. While your zodiac sign reflects your outward personality, your moon sign controls your emotions and mood.

To figure out your moon sign, you need the date, place and time of your birth. The moon moves through the zodiac pretty often (which is why you have to be so specific), so your moon sign can be the complete opposite to your sun sign. Don’t know your moon sign? Check out this moon sign calculator then read on for the low-down on your innermost feelings…


If your moon sign is Aries, you feel more fulfilled when you’re in an environment that allows you to speak up about your feelings.

You have an emotional need to be first, whether it’s grabbing the new iPhone or climbing the corporate ladder faster than other people your age.

You’re easily inspired and can jump into things before you realise if it’s what you really want. But you also like to be challenged and will fight for things you believe in.


Your love language comes in the form of gifts, and you want to be comfortable in life. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it might make you more likely to stay in a bad situation or relationship if the material side of it is good.

(BTW: Good sex is pretty important to you in a relationship. If it’s lacking, you may go elsewhere.)

You also don’t like to be pushed into things, and want to make sure that you have time to think things over before you act.

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You need to be heard and listened to, in life and at work. That’s also true in relationships – you need a partner who is a good communicator, or it just won’t work.

You have a constant need to work to feel content and peaceful in your inner mind and, if you don’t, you’ll keep working at it until you do. You may end up juggling more than one relationship at once to find what you really like – and that’s okay.


You’re very emotional, Cancer, and tend to have a lot of feelings. You want to take care of others, but deep down you also want to make sure you’re taken care of, too.

You can hang on to relationships past their prime because you don’t want to throw away all the energy and effort you put into them, making it painful to let go.

You also want a home where you can feel comfortable, and love the idea of creating your own family.


You like to shine, Leo, and crave being the center of attention. You have an emotional need to be appreciated, whether it’s in a relationship or at work.

Even though you want everyone to see that you’re special, the world doesn’t necessarily work that way – learn to make peace with that.

You love to have fun and party, and can be very generous and loyal with your friends. Just remember that people change, and don’t always deserve your love.

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You have a need to be able to have your life in order, Virgo. Maybe your cupboard has to be arranged a certain way, or your work life has to be just so. Whatever it is, it’s okay. However, remember that perfection isn’t always possible. Let it go!

You’re also happy and fulfilled when you feel like you’re living a healthy lifestyle. You can be picky in relationships, but there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you’re not so picky that you write off someone who can be amazing for you.


You love relationships, Libra, and you’re always looking for your other half. You love having someone to do things with, whether it’s a friend or S.O.

You tend to be super accommodating, and people naturally gravitate toward you. The downside: Your desire to be a natural peacemaker can turn you into a doormat if you’re not careful. You also naturally want to choose a partner who is like you so there’s not a lot of arguing in the relationship.


You’re intense at times and can have trust issues, but you’re also a very intuitive person. You know when people are lying to you, and hate it when people keep secrets from you.

You have to learn to trust your instincts – otherwise, you’ll just end up being totally paranoid that other people will hurt you.

You also dig competition. Just make sure that stays more along the lines of advancing your career and less in competing with someone else for love – that only spells trouble.


You want it all, Sag, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You crave freedom, traveling the world and knowing as much as possible. You can get unhappy when you feel trapped, whether it’s in a relationship or by life circumstances.

You need to be with someone that you feel will let you grow and won’t keep you tied down.

You have a fear of being judged, but you also tend to judge others. You tend to get drawn into arguments and debates, and love to be right. Just know that it’s not going to happen every time.

READ MORE: Your Biggest Sex Struggle, According To Your Star Sign


You have a fear of not having everything be just so, and love being prepared for everything that life might throw at you. But you sometimes over-prepare – which may keep you from taking on new opportunities.

In relationships, you’re very loyal once you commit – it just can take you a little time to get to that point.

You’re super responsible, but need to have strong boundaries so your reliability isn’t taken advantage of at work.


You have a strong need to be different and find where you belong. You love experiences with people, places and situations that are different from what you grew up with, and are often drawn to people from different cultures and countries.

Still, you’re always looking for someplace to fit in. If you’re not able to have new experiences, you can feel detached from the people around you, which is why it’s so crucial for you to travel when you can.

You have a need for strong friendships and relationships and will often stay buddies with an ex when things don’t work out.


You’re the romantic of the zodiac, and love being loved. But you tend to feel personally victimised when you feel that life is unfair or that someone is treating you badly. You often want to have answers to questions that are unanswerable, and can be seriously impacted by tragedies.

You find fulfillment when you can do something where you help alleviate suffering or do something that you believe in, even if it’s as simple as helping a friend out.

This article was originally published on www.womenshealthmag.com

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