by Women's Health | Feb 27, 2023 | Physical Health
Women are talking more about their bodies than ever, but one common issue is still pretty taboo: constipation (and laxatives). Well, we’re here to change that! After all, 16 percent of women regularly suffer from difficult bowel movements, while even more of us...
by Women's Health | Feb 26, 2020 | Health
Almost everyone has experienced constipation at some point in their lives. Some people experience it as a chronic condition, while others may only experience it fleetingly. Either way, if you’ve ever experienced constipation in any degree, then you know that you will...
by Women's Health | Mar 18, 2019 | Weight Loss
First came the keto flu—a pretty unpleasant (but ultimately temporary) side effect of the keto diet. Then, news about other keto side effects started popping up: keto breath, keto rash, keto crotch…you get the picture. Basically, the keto diet (or any...
by Women's Health | Nov 21, 2018 | Health
Can’t poop? To each her own…bowel movement. According to a recent poll of more than 2,000 adults, almost half of respondents said they poop once a day. Going anywhere from three times daily to three times per week can be healthy—more backup than that is not....
by Women's Health | Sep 28, 2018 | Food & Nutrition
It might not be something you’re comfortable bringing up at happy hour, but I’m sure you agree: Being constipated is pretty sh*tty. Constipation is defined as pooping fewer than three times a week. And, unfair as it is, constipation is more common in men than women,...