by Women's Health | Feb 23, 2023 | Relationships
It happens: once the honeymoon period starts to fade, relationship niggles start to creep in and soon, you’re considering if something is a relationship dealbreaker. Before you know it you’re asking yourself, ‘Is this guy worth it?’ Are some rocky...
by Women's Health | Aug 2, 2022 | Relationships
“Yes to lots of safe sex, definitely no sleepovers, no calling each other on our birthdays, no unnecessary check-ins unless it’s to set up a booty call and most importantly, no acting up when you see me with someone else.” So go the rules of many...
by Women's Health | Feb 23, 2022 | Life
In the chart-topping Netflix documentary The Tinder Swindler, three women describe how they were defrauded by convicted conman Simon Leviev (who was born Shimon Hayut) after meeting him on the dating app. The film gives a detailed and deeply personal account...
by Kemong Mopedi | Feb 16, 2022 | Relationships
The term “narcissist” has been thrown around a lot in conversation to describe someone who does something self-absorbed. But, while most people tend to whip out the word when they’re ticked off about another’s selfish action, narcissism is an actual...
by Kemong Mopedi | Feb 9, 2022 | Relationships
By now, you’ve probably heard of love languages, but did you know that apology languages exist as well? While love languages describe—among other things—the way you prefer to give and receive affection, an apology language recognises the many ways a person can, you...