If you’re dealing with textured skin, discolouration or acne, consider a peel treatment to help. Plus, results are pretty instantaneous. Right away, you can see brighter skin with a glowy complexion and minimised blemishes. We tried The Laser Beautique’s Advanced Pro Peel to see how it stacks up.
An a-peel-ing investment
At the most basic level, a chemical peel removes the top layer of the skin, revealing freshness beneath. They may help with smoothing wrinkles, levelling out hyperpigmentation, nixing acne and evening out an uneven skin texture. It also acts as an exfoliant, removing dead skin cells.
This Pro Peel from The Laser Beautique is not overly intensive and requires no downtime, apart from minimal sun exposure once the treatment is over. As always, a strong SPF is your friend.
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The Laser Beautique’s Pro Peel
The best part of any facial treatment, aside from being pampered like a queen, is knowing that it’s affordable. The Laser Beautique’s Pro Peel starts at just R650 and delivers everything you need to carve out dewy, fresh skin. My treatment, the Advanced Pro Peel (R950), involved everything that comes with a peel: a double-cleanse, prepping the skin, the actual treatment, and a soothing face mask, followed by a protective cream.
First, my face was cleaned using a cleanser and the double-cleansing method. Thereafter, a Medic8 Mist was sprayed that reduces inflammation, controls pathogens and hydrates the skin. After that, the peel was applied.
READ MORE: Here’s What You Really Need To Know About Chemical Peels
A mix of acids works best
The Laser Beautique’s Pro Peel is a mix of three different active acids:
- Lactic Acid 10% – it exfoliates, encourages skin cell turnover and helps reduce fine lines and discolouration.
- Mandelic Acid 10% – a natural skin brightener that helps to target blemishes, discolouration and wrinkles while minimizing irritation.
- Salicylic Acid 10% – it resurfaces skin texture and also prevents future blemishes and clogged pores.
Post-peel aftercare
The Pro Peel worked its magic for around three minutes and after that, my therapist neutralised the peel using cold water. I could feel my skin tingling as the acids got to work. Thereafter, I was treated to an algae face mask. My therapist applied a Vitamin C oil and a post-treatment cream.
After my treatment, I left with incredibly glowing skin that felt fresh and dewy and ready for action. For best results, my therapist, Andy, advised me to leave my skin as is for the next few hours and to not wash my face – this would let the treatment sink into my skin. She also let me know that coming for monthly treatments would expedite the process of nixing blemishes. So frequent sessions would result in long-lasting results.
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The Advanced Pro Peel from The Laser Beautique includes your choice of a pressure point massage, alternating cryo and thermo therapy, LED therapy, healing rose quartz treatment and more. It lasts around one hour and 15 minutes and is R950. Keen to book your experience? Head over to The Laser Beautique.