6 Ways To Soothe That REALLY Painful Sunburn

6 Ways To Soothe That REALLY Painful Sunburn

Itching to give your pasty skin a little colour? Here’s what goes on when you step outside without protection… and what to do if you feel the burn. You slip into your bikini Your skin is the colour it is because of melanin, pigment molecules produced by...
5 DIY Flavoured Waters For Every Situation

5 DIY Flavoured Waters For Every Situation

Flavoured water has taken the health community by storm – and now, it’s near impossible to have a sip of good old H2O without craving a bit of cucumber and lemon to spice it up. But it’s actually a great way to flush toxins while at the same time...
Year-End Burnout? How To Cope, From A Doc

Year-End Burnout? How To Cope, From A Doc

Year-end burnout can feel like a slow, painful crawl to mid-December when you’re finally allowed to cancel the alarm and enable that OOO. Right now, there are urgent memos everywhere, last-minute to-dos and all the things you said you’d finish by July, now threatening...

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